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hm, for free ist selten irgendetwas, biete gerne meine Dienste und mein bescheidenes Wissen und meine Organisationsfähigkeit an, aber dafür will ich mindestens Kaffee, Kuchen und Eintritt
M 02:45, 23 December 2006 (CET)
- Korrekt, for free ist selten irgendwas, das trifft auch auf den Eintritt zu. Heralde, genau wie Chaosengel, sind FREIWILLIGE Helfer, die aus Spass an der Freude selbst einen aktiven Beitrag dazu leisten, dass der Congress smooth ueber die Buehne geht. Vereinsarbeit eben, der CCC ist ja kein Benefizclub ;-) Ich habe da zwar keine Entscheidungsbefugnis, war aber schon oft genug dabei um mit 99.9%iger Sicherheit sagen zu koennen, dass fuer Heralde die regulaeren Eintrittspreise gelten. Allerdings hast Du als freiwilliger Helfer durchaus Chancen auf einen kostenlosen Kaffee und Kuchen/Sandwich. Danke aber fuer die Frage :) --volty 03:41, 23 December 2006 (CET)
- Das ist ja durchaus löblich, wenn dies 100% klappt. Ich für meinen Teil hätte mich allerdings nur angeschlossen, da ich die Idee dahinter unterstütze, mich aber nicht so stark für den Kongress interessiere, dass ich dort unbedingt die Reste vom für Geschenke übriggebliebenen Geld auf den Kopf hauen muss ;) . Meine Hilfs-Idee war eigentlich, nicht 'mal für eine Stunde irgendwelche Mikrofone durch die Gegend zu drücken, sondern auch durchaus einen Tag ehrenamtlich mit Unterstützung dort zu verbringen. Aber seit wann zahlen solche Mitarbeiter denn noch oben drauf? :) Übrigens gibt es bei solchen Veranstaltungen (nicht bezogen auf CCC-Veranstaltungen) immer eine ganz andere Art von Human Hacking Contest: Getting in w/o entrance fees. Wie sind die Preisstufungen dieses Jahr? ... Was sagt das Krokodil, nachdem es einen Clown gefressen hat? ... English summary My idea was to be helping out for a whole day or so, because I support the idea of the C3 congresses and not to receive money but also not to pay money for my own work. But I fear that it will not be the right place to discuss it at the heralds-discussion page. --M 16:35, 23 December 2006 (CET)
- Actually, this IS the right place to ask questions - and it is a good question :) And I also understand your standpoint. Today I checked with a few people who confirmed unisone that being a Herald does not qualify for free entrance, however, if you check with the backstage area and identify yourself as a Herald, you should not be rejected coffee and/or the possibility to make yourself a sandwich there. As you indicate that you are not actually interested in attending the hacker conference because of the content and atmosphere, but are more interested in the idea behind everything, it might be interesting for you to know that an integral part of the idea beahind it IS volunteer work; without it, the congress could not exist. The CCC is not a company, it is a non-profit society. Also, I am pretty sure that the Fahrplan (click here) will contain something that also you are interested in. Even paying members of the club pay an entrance fee, as well as actively volunteering chaos angels. You find the precise pricing information at Tickets (click here), maybe you meet any of the discount conditions? However, please stay tuned, I have asked someone to provide an authoritative response to clarify whether Heralds also get a free congress T-Shirt like active angels. Or maybe you have decided that then this conference just isn't for you, which would of course also be fine, everybody has freedom of choice. Cheers, --volty 01:34, 24 December 2006 (CET) P.S.: Please also check the Ticket FAQ (click here). --volty 01:56, 24 December 2006 (CET)
- Well, I feared that it wouldn't be the right place to discuss this topic because this is not just a mere heralds issue. I am sorry that I have started the discussion here and with it a confusion, because this would have better been a topic for a NetAngels discussion (and people who would like to help but don't want to or don't need to see or hear the presentations and talks and workshops, at least not all of them). But I wish you all good luck and much fun with the C3 this year. Merry Christmas to all of you! --M 15:27, 24 December 2006 (CET)
- See also And please keep in mind that this are the people who work during day and night.
- Although I do not give a lot for FM I do RTFM before posting my nonsense. And so did I; be ensured. So let's name my starting of this "talk" "loud thinking". I still have some of these thoughts and objections, which I won't share anymore in this place because they may cause more confusing than clearing and this is neither alt.philosophy nor d.o.c... --M 23:03, 25 December 2006 (CET)