Talk:Capture The Flag
From 22C3
How about Lexi's emailaddy? BugBlue 13:55, 18 December 2005 (CET)
gameserver on a ctf-client ?
I would love to participate as a team (I and some of my friends), unfortunately all we can bring to 22C3 are our laptops (one each). Thus I wanted to know if it's ok if the teamserver physically runs on one of the team participiant's notebooks which will be used for attacking as well.
Answer: Would be possible.
CTF infos
Hi there!
As the contest will be starting in about 24h, it would be nice if there would be some configuration setup for the vmware image, a full team list, the vmware image itself and further information when to be where tomorrow, if the contest will be held.
Answer: Infos were send to the partipitants per email. Please join #22c3-ctf on freenode.
Thanx to the Orgas!
I'd like to thank all you guys who made this CTF possible. It was a great experience and a lot of fun. Thank you all! :-)
Is there a way to make the stats public? Lexi showed some nice graphs, is there a way to publish these?
Greetings, yorn!