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## The workshop: Technological tools have the potential to boost resource and energy efficiency as well as the circula...
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As a visually impaired person, technology is both an accessibility tool and barrier to achieving it. There are many thin...
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Das CCS sucht Themen, die die Informationstechnologien dieser Welt genauer unter die Lupe nehmen, ihren Einfluss auf die...
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In [Labitat](https://labitat.dk/) we are operating a co-location facility, for embedded systems, called [Labicolo](https...
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The talk will cover the design details and talk about the current implementation using GNU Taler: a free software, priva...
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While decentralised technologies from BitTorrent to Mastodon are proliferating, the biggest barrier to adoption is still...
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This workshop offers participants the hands on opportunity to discover potential uses of dynamic DNS updates, authorised...
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LoRa is often used in the form of LoRaWAN with infrastructure as a gateway for IoT sensors. But it can also be used for ...
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The SCION Internet architecture is not intended as yet another overlay network but actually aims to supersede BGP as the...
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Tactical Tech’s mission is to support organisations and citizens to navigate the impact of digital technologies developm...
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Unsere Vision: "Wir gestalten Open Source Gärten und verbinden Menschen gärtnerisch und kreativ via Open Source (Philoso...
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A bit more than a year ago, in early summer of 2022, someone contacted us at the Metalab Hackspace if we would be intere...
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At this meetup you will have the opportunity to meet team members from the following funds: - The Prototype Fund supp...
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If you are interested in applying for funding, please join our "Meet the funders" session in the same location one hour ...
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SearchWing develops & builds open source drones to locate people in distress at sea. We are an independent non-profit or...
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Across mutual aid economies, humans work cooperatively to meet the needs of everyone in their social group. It's differe...
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The talk on "Building Civic Tech in a Difficult Environment" explores the challenges and strategies involved in developi...
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Die aktivistische Klima- und Ökologiebewegung im deutschsprachigen Raum ist gegenwärtig weitgehend progressiv ausgericht...
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Aktionen: - Papierschöpfen - Linolschnitt - Hochdruck
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Meshenger started out as an idea to promote off the grid mesh networks and has now reached its initial goal. In this tal...
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As software has gotten more complex over the last years, the importance of declaring licensing information has become e...
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Producing cement, steel, glass, plastics, aluminium, and many other products will require new production processes. In t...
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The OpenMPPT development project was initiated by Freifunk in 2017 with the first design handling up to 50 Watt PV (sola...
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Logbuch:Netzpolitik (LNP) ist der Versuch, das netzpolitische Geschehen im deutschsprachigen Raum weitgehend neutral, un...
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C-KiNO is a platform for "cinema hacking" and investigating urgent topics for us to navigate better possible worlds. We ...
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showcase of two technical-sociopolitical projects ## Bid3a: The project aims to make socio-political interventions an...
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Du willst mit ein paar Menschen für eine Großdemo gegen Massenüberwachung mobilisieren, Nancy Faesers Wahlkampf sabotier...
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Play! is a runtime being developed by players and xorgians. It is an interfacing interface that can change itself throug...
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Vier Jahre nach ["Was tun gegen Digitale Gewalt gegen Frauen"](https://media.ccc.de/v/Camp2019-10346-was_tun_gegen_digit...
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Vor mehr als zehn Jahren lang ein Staatstrojaner auf dem Seziertisch des CCC. Was die Analyse zeigte, waren neben eklata...
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The climate catastrophe is imminent and global injustice is rising. Now a lot of new (in part digital) tech (AI, blockch...
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AI hat das Potential, größere gesellschaftliche Änderungen zu bewirken. Sie wirft große Probleme, die wir im zweiten Te...
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The SCION Internet architecture is not intended as yet another overlay network but actually aims to supersede BGP as the...
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Ein offenes Treffen für alle, die an Awarenessarbeit interessiert sind. Am Anfang stellen wir als c3Awareness uns und u...
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3% of global electricity consumption today and are projected to touch 4% by 2030. The average hyperscale facility consum...
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16 Years ago, a series of talks by Johl and Pylon on Hackspace Design Patterns sparked an international revolution. With...
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In this talk Holger Levsen will give an overview about reproducible builds, the past, the presence and the future. How i...
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Im Mittelmeer ertrinken regelmäßig Menschen, die vor den Gefahren in ihren Heimatländern in ungeeigneten Booten versuche...