The Chaos Communication Camp takes place at the
- Ziegeleipark Mildenberg Zehdenick
- Ziegelei 10
- 16792 Zehdenick (OT Mildenberg)
- 53° 01' 48" N, 13° 18' 27" E
We will organize the basic infrastructure like power, internet, a bar, several food stalls, and beautiful illumination. Everything else is in your hands - so bring your camping gear, gadgets, Go boards, webapps, p2p-simulators, knitted hardware protectors, drones, lockpicking sets and whatever else you need for some days in the big room with the blue ceiling.
Respect Ziegelei property and equipment, remember we may want to come back here next time.
There is also a collection of several points of interest, aka infra/resources/shopping.
See also the Map.
The nearby town Zehdenick provides infrastructure like several ATM, Gas Stations, supermarkets and a rather big Hardware Store (read: Hardware as in wood, nails and camping equipment, not as in motherboard).
[hide]Arrival / Departure
Date | Description |
14.8 | Buildup: Only for angels who help with buildup and registered at the orga- or angelsystem with their dates |
16.8 | 14:00 CEST: People can start to buildup their villages, no power or net yet |
19.8 | Power is probably(!) available from now |
21.8 | Offical start of the CCCamp19 \o/ |
25.8 | Last day of the CCCamp19, start of disassembly in the evening (leaving with a vehicle which is part of a village might not be possible yet) |
28.8 | Last day of disassembly, all must be finished no later than this day. If you stay 27th/28th, you are expected to help out! |
Information regarding Unloading:
- After 8:00 pm, no cars are allowed on the camp until the next morning.
- Even during Camp construction time there will be little to no cars allowed at the site of the event. A special procedure will be announced at the entrance and can change from one hour to the next. Please prepare to unload your vehicles at the main entrance and relocate them to the parking lot for the duration of the event.
- Caravans and Campervans will get their own designated area right next to the venue. Officially it’s outside the main Camp area, so you can move your Campervan for a shopping tour.
Shipping Address
See: Static:LOC
How to get there
Please think of your carbon footprint when planning your travel to camp. If you can, choose a low-emission option like trains and other public transport options. If you come by car, please take a look at Hitchhiking and see if you can take people or the luggage of other people with you.
By Bassliner Shuttle
From Berlin
13€ for a single ride.
- Departure: Berlin Ostbahnhof
- Arrival: Camp \o/
- Getting there:
- Monday, August 19th, 13:00
- Tuesday, August 20th, 12:00, 17:00
- Wednesday, August 21th, 12:00, 17:00
- Getting back:
- Sunday, August 25th, 12:00, 18:00
- Monday, August 26th, 10:00, 15:00
From Hamburg
23€ for a single ride.
- Departure: Hamburg ZOB
- Arrival: Camp \o/
- Getting there:
- Tuesday, August 20th, 11:00
- Wednesday, August 21th, 11:00
- Getting back:
- Sunday, August 25th, 11:00
- Monday, August 26th, 13:00
Reservation opens now, please go ahead:
If you want to have another bus at another time, please collect enough people for that date here. As soon as there are more than 25 people interested in getting a bus at another time, we will try to arrange that for you. Please drop us an email to the main orga address once there are more than 25 people signed up for one city and date. Deadline for extra shuttles is 10.08.2019 23:42 Uhr CEST.
By Car
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If you plan to take the A10 from east (Frankfurt/O.) to west, please be aware of the road closure between the exits Mühlenbeck and Birkenwerder due to construction work between 16.08.2019 22:00 and 19.08.2019 05:00 and between 23.08.2019 22:00 and 26.08.2019 05:00. See below for an alternative route to Mildenberg. |
If you come by car, please take a look at Hitchhiking and see if you can take people or the luggage of other people with you.
- Drive in direction Berlin until you reach the highway A10 "Berliner Ring" - the highway ring around the city.
- Stay on the A10 until you reach the exit "Kreuz Oranienburg". Take the B96 direction Stralsund / Oranienburg.
- Follow the B96 until you reach Gransee
- In Gransee turn right onto Templiner Str. L22 (Zehdenick)
- Follow the L22 until you reach the junction with Granseer Str. and turn left onto Granseer Str. (Mildenberg)
- Follow the signs pointing to "Ziegeleipark Mildenberg".
From east during the construction work:
- Drive in direction Berlin until you reach the highway A10 "Berliner Ring" - the highway ring around the city.
- Stay on the A10 until you reach the junction "Dreieck Barnim". Take the A11 to Prenzlau / Stettin (Szczecin).
- Follow the A11 until you reach the exit "Finowfurt". Turn left to B167 in direction Liebenwalde.
- In Liebenwalde, turn right onto "Zehdenicker Str." L22 (Zehdenick) and follow it until you reach Zehdenick.
- In Zehdenick, turn left onto Castrop-Rauxel-Allee B109 and follow the B109 until you reach the junction "Bahnhofstr. / Berliner Str. / Falkenthaler Chausee" where you drive straight onto the Bahnhofstr.
- At the junction with Mildenberger Str. turn right into the Mildenberger Str. (Mildenberg)
- Follow the signs pointing to "Ziegeleipark Mildenberg".
By Train
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Please be aware of ongoing construction work in Berlin and the causing timetable changes or train cancellations at several subsurban and regional trains like RE5 from/to Rostock or Stralsund. Please check your train connections shortly before you start your journey! |
Long-distance Train Travel
If you plan to come to camp by train from far away, the website is a great ressource for journey planning. They have some tips on how to book (cheap) tickets, too.
Closer to Camp
Gransee (shuttle service to camp from this station, see "By bus" below)
- Distance to the camp: 12km
- The train from Berlin Hauptbahnhof (main station) to Stralsund or Rostock (RE5) departs every hour.
- Please consider adding yourself to the arrival and departure lists for Gransee below, so that we can have a better estimate of how many people will arrive and at what time.
- live arrive/departure ticker
Zehdenick (Mark)
- Distance to the camp: ~ 7,5km
- Train connections:
- The regional train 12 (RB12) from Berlin-Lichtenberg to Templin City departs every hour.
- live arrive/departure ticker
Special Fares by Deutsche Bahn
Veranstaltungsticket/Event Ticket
Nur für Verbindungen innerhalb Deutschlands! Internationale Verbindungen werden nicht als Veranstaltungsticket angeboten, stattdessen kann man einen Europasparpreis buchen oder das Veranstaltungsticket erst ab einem Grenzbahnhof.
Only for connections within Germany! International connections are not sold as event ticket. You can book Europa-Sparpreis instead, or an event ticket starting at a border station.
Booking an event ticket needs a credit card!
Die Deutschen Bahn bietet wieder ein Veranstaltungsticket mit Sonderkonditionen für die Anreise zum Chaos Communication Camp an. Die Preise für das Veranstaltungsticket zur Hin- und Rückfahrt nach Gransee oder Zehdenick(Mark) sind wie folgt.
Deutsche Bahn offers an event ticket with special conditions for travel to Chaos Communication Camp. The prices for this event ticket, for round-trip to Gransee or Zehdenick(Mark) are as follows:
bound to specific train(s) | full flexible ticket | |
2nd class | 109,80 € | 149,80 € |
1st class | 179,80 € | 219,80 € |
Die Buchung erfolgt ausschließlich über Bei Fragen zum Buchungsablauf bitte an die technische Hotline +49 1806 / 99 66 44 wenden, die Camp-Orga hat keine weiteren Informationen!
Booking via only. Please do not ask camp orga about the booking process, they do not have more information; ask the technical hotline +49 1806 / 99 66 44 (German only, sorry.), please!
Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket/Across the country ticket
Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist das "Quer-durchs-Land"-Ticket. Man darf zwar nur Regionalzüge benutzen, was die Umsteigezeiten erhöht, spart aber sehr viel Geld; insbesondere, wenn man in einer Gruppe von bis zu fünf Personen fährt. Bei 5 Reisenden ergibt sich ein Preis von nur 15,20 € pro Person.
Another possibility is the “Across the country ticket”. You can only take regional trains, which makes your travel longer, but it is much cheaper. You can share a ticket with up to 5 people, then you'll get down to only 15,20 € per person. (German only, sorry)
DB Summerticket (for people under 27)
4 rides within Germany for 99,60€, if you are under 18 for 79,60€:
By Bus
Bassliner Shuttle
There will be a shuttle running from Gransee station to the Camp on 19th, 20th and 21th and from Camp to Gransee station on 25th and 26th. A single ride costs 3.50€.
Shuttle Times
Day | Time(s) | Comment |
19th | 16:00, 17:00, 18:00 | |
20th | 14:00-20:00 | shuttle departs if all seats are gone,
at least on time per hour |
21th | 14:00-20:00 | |
25th | 14:00-20:00 | |
26th | 09:00-14:00 |
Public Transport Bus (ÖPNV-Bus)
- Online Bus Schedule
- Bus 854 departs from Templiner Strasse, Gransee (very close to Gransee train station), but only once a day at 14:08 (regular working days) and at 10:40, 11:40 and 12:40 on weekends. Bus 854 is a regular scheduled line, so you don't have to call in advance to order the bus. The schedule for Bus 854.
- a route map by public transport from Berlin to Gransee; the schedule for bus 838
- ATTENTION: Bus 838 in most cases must be requested by phone (+49 (0) 3306 2307) in advance, at least 90 minutes before departure! Also, they have very low capacity per bus (max. 7 seats, few luggage space). Welcome to the German outback ;-)
By Taxi
Taxi Companies in Gransee
- Taxi & Kleinbus Behm Kranken- & Dialysefahrten Tel. 03306 24 19
- Henning, Katja Taxibetrieb Tel. 0174 9 05 56 57
- Böhm Tel. 03306 21 33 39
Taxi Companies in Zehdenick
- "Salon Anett und ihr Personen-Jet" hat vier Neunsitzer und sitzt in Zehdenick. Wollen pro Fahrt <=15€: +49-3307-2123 oder +49-171-3854695
- Bohrke Klaus Taxifuhrbetrieb Tel. (0 33 07) 26 28
- Taxi-Brendel Tel. (03307) 31 25 31
By Bike
Check out Hitchhiking#Cycling_together for other people that plan to bike to camp, on longer or shorter paths.
Long distance cycling routes The Ziegeleipark is situated next to the Berlin—Kopenhagen long-distance cycling route which is also part of the D11 and the EuroVelo 7 cycling route.
From West to East By bike frome west to east via R1
From Berlin The Ziegeleipark is roughly 92 km on the Berlin—Kopenhagen route from Alexanderplatz.
For those hackers that have a free seat to offer on their way or those who are searching for a free seat and some space for their luggage, the Hitchhiking page might be interesting.
By Airplane
Berlin Schönefeld (SXF)
- Take the train to Berlin Südkreuz or Berlin main station and from there the train to Gransee.
Berlin Tegel (TXL)
- The easiest way is to take the Bus TXL to Washingtonplatz/Berlin Hauptbahnhof and from there the train to Gransee.
- The bus departs every 10 minutes in front of Terminal B. You should calculate with a buffer of 15 minutes between bus arrival and train departure.
Airport Berlin Brandenburg (BER)
- Sorry, still not yet complete. Maybe it gets finished in time for the camp in 2023. Maybe not.
Weather information
On and around the Campground
Water Taxi
Team Harbor operates a free water taxi service that will ferry you from Neuer Hafen to the quiet swimming lake located across the Havel river. To call the water taxi, dial DECT "TAXI" (8294). Ferry service between Alter Hafen and Neuer Hafen is also available.