
The LOC is the Logistics Operations Center. We are the main point of approach for logistics on the event. For more detailed information please visit our web page
The Logistics Operations Center provides logistical support for the event by:
- organizing buildup and teardown
- running the logistics helpdesk in our tent at the south of the terrain
- procuring materials for other teams
- managing incoming parcels and other mail
- helping out with equipment rentals
- organizing transports on-site
- organizing transports in and around Mildenberg
parcels for attendees
Do not ship items arriving before 10th August or after 28th August!
- Delivery Address
Ziegeleipark Mildenberg CCC - <your village/team> - <your nick/name> Ziegelei 10 16792 Zehdenick (OT Mildenberg)
Web | |
DECT | 1010 | |
The LOC is located at the south of the terrain.