#rC3: How To aktive Teilnahme

#rC3: How To aktive Teilnahme


Welcome to the middle of the film warm-up blog!

Just like last weekend we bring you more information on how to participate in rC3 – because it all starts in a fortnight!

An appeal regarding the new ticket contingent: Please do _not_ click tickets for bots. Or your toaster, your fridges, or (insert any other IoT things here). Our capacity is limited and we would like to give priority to beings that pass the Turing Test. We will set up a small contingent for bots and, in the coming days, announce here how you can connect your toothbrush or remote-controlled telepresence robot.

But now to the …

The Chaos Emergency Response Team: CERT

The Chaos Emergency Response Team: CERT


Did you ever feel sick or had an accident at Congress or one of our Camps? We hope not. But if so, then you probably know the Chaos Emergency Response Team (CERT). It is a team of trained medical and fire prevention personnel who help in case of need. They take care for a safe and sound event and aim to reduce dangers of all kinds.

cert feuerloescher

It is twenty years ago this year since the idea emerged to have an emergency team of …

A galactic Congress welcomes all lifeforms

A galactic Congress welcomes all lifeforms


Anyone who ever experienced the distinct feeling of „wow!“ on the first Congress knows: There’s an outside world and then there’s Congress. Even though the event copes with challenges that come with growth, we think we’ve built a space that promotes tolerance, curiosity, fun, open-minded communication, friendliness and cooperation. Unlike traditional conferences, where visitors receive full service for paying an entrance fee, CCC events are run by volunteers. The whole event is organized by people who buy their own tickets and spend their holidays to make it happen. Visiting 34c3 means to …