37C3 Congress Everywhere

37C3 Congress Everywhere

For all those who are not attending the Congress, there is of course the opportunity to meet up in the Hackerspace, stream lectures together, hack, party, etc. During these days, the Congress is everywhere where it is lived. There is also the opportunity to visit each other.

The following spaces have signed up:

Location Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Link to Space
Basel from 13:00 from 13:00 from 13:00 from 13:00 ccc-basel.ch
Bielefeld from 16:00 from 16:00 from 16:00 from 16:00 space.bi
Essen ab 10:00  from 10:00 chaospott.de 
Erfurt tba tba tba tba bytespeicher.org
Heilbronn 15-22:00 15-22:00 15-22:00 15-22:00 codeforheilbronn.de
Leipzig from 15:00 from 15:00 from 15:00 from 15:00 dezentrale.space
Munich - - from 15:00 from 15:00 muc.ccc.de
Stuttgart from 15:00 from 15:00 from 15:00 from 15:00 shackspace.de
Tuebingen - 15-22:00 15-22:00 15-22:00 ki-maker.space
Uppsala - from 15:00 - from 15:00 www.dfupdate.se
Wülfrath from 11:00 from 11:00 from 11:00 from 11:00 IdeenWerk & Registration

In addition to the spaces, there is also a matching matrix channel: 37C3 - Everywhere.

Header graphic by betalars