37C3: Have your say

37C3: Have your say

Haven’t you ever thought about becoming a 37C3 content ambassador?

When in 2019 we reached out to you with our first round of “have your say” for suggestions on how to make our congress Fahrplan the best ever, we received an overwhelming 2000 submissions ranging from exciting developments in hardware security, net politics to helpful remarks on how to better synchronize breaks between presentations.

So we want to repeat that experiment and ask you again:

  • Are there any recent developments in one of our six tracks that might be overlooked but needs to be on our radar?
  • Are there any excellent presenters you noticed at hacker spaces, conferences or saw their articles, projects or performances?
  • Did you notice any blind spots in our recent Fahrplans that might need some lights shed on?
  • Are there things you want our content curator teams need to know?

Hop over to 37C3: Have your say and drop your suggestions!

Image CC BY Nenad Stojkovic