Call for Interpreters: translate 33C3!

If you are multilingual and fluent in German and English, please consider joining the translation team.

We interpret ALL THE talks in the four main halls live. German talks are interpreted into English, and vice versa. Our work is transmitted via the internal phone network, streamed to the Internet, and recordings are published on CCC sites and YouTube. Also, this year we are expanding: for the two large halls (Saal 1 & 2) we have a second translations channel that will be broadcast in the same way.

That is a lot of stuff to translate, and for that we need YOU. At Saal 1 & 2, you have the chance to contribute in an even more special way if you can interpret into another interesting language (from English or German). The first language we would like to add so far is French, but if your interest is elsewhere just let us know – especially if you can bring a few interpreters for the same target language along.

Don’t be shy. If you are uncertain whether you’re good enough, chances are that you’ll do just fine. If we believe you might be struggling, we will talk it over, no harm done.

Simply send an email to “translate-subscribe(at)” and write a quick intro to the mailing list after you’ve completed subscribing. Also sign up as a translation angel at the Engelsystem a few days before 33C3.

So please, take this chance and help us bring C3 to an even wider international audience.

For more information, you can contact us on Twitter at @c3lingo and #c3t, or via mail to translate(at) (after subscribing).

See (and possibly hear) you at 33C3!