


THANK YOU! The 29c3 had several of the best sessions of lightning talks ever at a congress. For the first time since we introduced the new Lightning Talk format, we were completely booked on Day 2. We had three packed sessions and over seven hours of Lightning Talks.

We will post the slides here soon as we get permission from the speakers to do so.

Lightning Talks are 5-minute talks by *you*.
Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick!



Day 2

Please give feedback!

Video Link Title Presenter Lang Keywords Abstract Links Slides
00:00:50 How to do a Lightning Talk Nick Farr EN Lightning Talks, FAQ, Tutorial A quick primer on how to give a lightning talk Lightning Talks (Wikipedia) COMING SOON
0:05:15 The Lanyard Filesystem (LanyFS) danrl EN Removable Storage, Thumbdrives, Filesystem, LanyFS The Lanyard Filesystem (LanyFS) was my Master's Thesis project. It was designed for removable storage devices, particularly those small gadgets one would carry around using a lanyard. A beta stage Linux driver is ready and a FreeBSD driver is currently being worked on. However, helping hands are always welcome! LanyFS Homepage, Specification COMING SOON
0:09:50 CrossbearSSH: Notary and Attack Reporting for SSH Ralph Holz EN MitM, SSH, Crossbear Last year at 28C3, we presented Crossbear: our tool to detect, trace, locate and report Men-in-the-middle on SSL-secured connections. This year, we would like to introduce our newest addition: CrossbearSSH. We present a working notary service for SSH fingerprint verification that can be queried either via DNS, or be used directly with openssh.

Our talk is really a teaser, of course -- we're happy to meet up at 29C3 and discuss details over a coffee, or the next best thing.

0:14:20 Workshop on Onity HT Electronic Door Lock HexF EN Workshop, Onity, Hotel, Lockpicking In August 2012 Cody Brocious released information on a flaw with Onity HT Hotel Room lock. He described the software and hardware needed to trigger the door to open.

The locks, cards and programmer all contain encryption and formerly secret protocols. We will discuss these and try to improve on the public information available.

The workshop will consist of an overview of how the locking system works, followed by soldering a simple kit that enables instant opening of any flawed door.

There will also be a working lock brought along with valid room cards. We can also look at the software and encryption and discuss further tests and possible flaws and fixes.

Hotel Door Unlocking Kit Assembly, Cody Brocious' talk COMING SOON
0:19:30 WorldVibe hUeGA EN App, Vibrator, Sextoy, Cybersex, remote control A smartphone controlled vibrator. First steps to cybersex. From idea to prototype. A working vibrator will be demonstrated. COMING SOON
0:25:15 GADS - Get your names back Matthias Wachs EN name system, censorship resistance Many parties try to censor content on the Internet by making it not accessible anymore. An easy way to do so is to remove domain names from

the domain name system DNS. That's quite easy because DNS is a hierarchical system ... I am presenting our alternative name system named GADS which is decentralized and based on the transitivity of names giving the people the ownership of names back.

00:31:10 FPGA68k - A Low Cost Xilinx Spartan-6 Evaluation Board Thomas Tahsin-Bey EN FPGA, Xilinx, Spartan-6, Evaluation Board I will present a cheap, small and versatile Spartan-6 Evaluation Board that can be built at home. My Evaluation Board features a lot of "easy-to-use"-Interfaces to the outside world. An external 68000-CPU and static RAM can be mounted as an option. fpga68k.de COMING SOON
00:36:45 The Lichtbildausweis and the Überwachungswahn padeluun, Brenno de Winter EN id, id-card, id-cards, lichtbildausweis The future of crime surely lies in identitytheft. In our 'post-911'-mindset we choose to live in a 'show me who you are'-society. But does this really make us safer? Are people even aware what we are talking about or are we creating a new problem one that might be very hard to fix? For years FoeBuD has been fighting the pointless security control of the Überwachungswahn. Last year they introduced their very own identity card. An official FoeBuD "Lichtbildausweis". With all characteristics it is evidently not a real ID. Or isn't it clear at all? Would the Dutch Secret Service, the Counter Terrorism Unit, Parliament, the Royal Palace, police, ministeries, mobile phone companies, airlines or hell even the European Parliament accept it? Would a Lichtbildausweis be sufficient to vote for Dutch elections? And if government finds out they have been fooled how would they react? This talk is the story behind the Lichtbildausweis and its value in real life and the story behind risks in the modern society. Why it is vital to fight pointless security measures. And while your shaking up the bureaucrats why not have some fun? FoeBuD Lichtbildausweis NO SLIDES
00:41:40 Pentabug and Pentarm13uxx - unadulterated fun with microcontrollers (for everyone) bigalex, sebseb7 EN microcontroller, atmel, arm, soldering, smd, hardware hacking fun This talk introduces two C3D2 projects that can be built at workshops in the hardware hacking area. The Pentabug is an entry level microcontroller project for young hackers, the Pentarm13uxx is directed to hackers who want to test their SMD soldering skills by building a small ARM (NXP LPC1347) board. Pentarm13uxxx at 29c3 Pentabug at 29c3 COMING SOON
00:46:26 Patent Wars Reinier B. Bakels EN patents, politics, commerce, EU Mobile phone patent wars move the competition from the marketplace to the court room. A new pan-European patent court is supposed to strengthen European competitiveness, but actually it will provide 'one stop shopping' for American firms to spread their practices to Europe. Unified Patent Court, innovation COMING SOON
00:54:00 Chilling Effects: Warming up from the Year in Chilling Effects Wendy Seltzer EN copyright, censorship, SOPA, ACTA, government takedown Copyright takedowns, government demands, and other legal threats to online expression have grown exponentially: Google alone was asked to remove more than 10 million URLs from search in December. Chilling Effects has been collecting data, including more than half a million complaints to Google and Twitter, and I'll describe some of thethreats we see and counter-measures to preserve freedom of access to information. chillingeffects.org COMING SOON
00:59:40 OpenTraffic - Mobilitätskonzepte, offene Daten, Sicherheitsalbträume und viel zu tun. Ernesto Ruge DE opendata, traffic, opentraffic, security, mobility, public transport, autonomous cars Cars get less important, bikes and public transport more important, borders between means of transportation fall, traffic gets connected more and more and the in. In an ideal world this means useful open public data and protected private data. But we are far away from this - which means security nightmares and lot's of missing chances to make our transport systems better. In this lightning talk I want to describe briefly how mobility might change, which chances we have - and where we should have a close look in future. Link collection for OpenTraffic COMING SOON
01:18:35 the internet as international space gernot hausar EN digital governance this talk deals with reasons why we should work on establishing cyberspace as an international sphere right besides the high seas, antarktica and space. COMING SOON
01:24:30 Community GSM - Hacking the legal restrictions on use of cellular frequencies. Whytek EN GSM, OpenBTS, OpenBSC Part of Rhizomaticas work has involved finding a way through regulations restricting on the legal use of GSM Frequencies. The talk will present what we have done within the context of Mexican indigenous communities. Rhizomatica.org, Rhizomatica at 29C3 COMING SOON
01:30:30 Sukey an app to keep demonstrators safe, mobile and informed samthetechie EN sukey, sukeyio, samthetechie, civic media, maptivism, occupy, activism, protest, realtime situational awareness, hacktivism. Sukey is a platform designed to keep people safe, mobile, and informed during demonstrations. We crowdsource and verify information from Twitter and other online and offline sources to provide protestors with a timely overview of what’s happening on the ground. People at a demonstration can tweet @sukeyio, tag tweets with #sukey, or visit http://sukey.io/ to use our app to send photo and text reports. Verified information is then digested, structured, and fed back to demonstrators. Those without a smartphone can use Twitter via SMS to receive regular updates from @sukeySMS. sukey.org, @sukeyio e-mail COMING SOON
01:35:50 fotocoo - progressive, non-commercial stock foto agency Nikoba EN Creative Commons, political layout, photography, media production, web-platform, iterative design Presenting our Project: Finding pictures licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

Finding pictures for non-commercial or more precise political layout is a most time-consuming work. Flickr in this context is a huge dungheap with a few pearls inside and discovering photos with Google's picture search also sucks. Thus we think of the need for an ambitious picture search that allows fulfilling this task with little effort at rich user satisfaction. This talk will be about presenting the basic ideas concerning our concept, licensing, problems and first thoughts about the systems architecture. We also hope to win over some people who might join in.

fotocoo at 29c3 COMING SOON
01:41:00 Smrender -- A tool for processing and rendering OSM data Bernhard R. Fischer EN Openstreetmap, data processing Smrender is a powerful, flexible, and modular rule-based rendering and data processing engine for OSM data. This talk will give a brief introduction on it and will highlight the main features. Smrender COMING SOON
01:44:10 GNUnet Christian Grothoff EN GNU, p2p An overview of the GNUnet P2P system GNUnet.org COMING SOON
01:49:30 The OpenITP Peer Review Board Eleanor Saitta / @dymaxion EN Security, auditing, open source Un-reviewed security-critical code kills, when used in hostile situations. All our tools aren't audited. OpenITP is going to fix it. Come find out what we're doing and how you van be involved. COMING SOON
01:53:55 OpenTechSchool: We organize tech workshops. Hands-on, awesome, and free. Tobias / @tbsprs EN Education, workshop, coaching, technic, community, collaboration OpenTechSchool is a community initiative offering free programming workshops and meetups to technology enthusiasts of all genders, backgrounds, and experience levels. It supports volunteer coaches in setting up events by taking care of the organizational details, encouraging coaches to create original teaching material. opentechtalk.org, OpenTechSchool at the 29c3 COMING SOON
02:00:25 Why you have to be a hacker to investigate the Paranormal. Alex Schestag EN The Paranormal, hacker, physics, psychology, neurology For the last 13 years, I have offered counselling services for people who make experiences which they perceive as paranormal. A lot of the experiences I was told about can be explained by conventional psychological, neurological or physical effects. However, to find an explanation for an experience can sometimes be rather tricky. There are many astonishing examples of very rare and hard to detect physical, psychological or neurological effects - or even a combination of them - which can lead to paranormal experiences. In this talk, I would like to discuss some of the most exciting examples and want to show why you need hacker skills if you want to investigate and explain such paranormal experiences, as hackers are people who love to take a deeper look at things, do unusual things with technology and are used to thinking in unusual ways. Parapsychologische Beratung NO SLIDES

Day 3

Please give feedback!

Video Link Title Presenter Lang Keywords Abstract Links Slides
0:00:20 Patent Wars Reinier B. Bakels EN patents, politics, commerce, EU Mobile phone patent wars move the competition from the marketplace to the court room. A new pan-European patent court is supposed to strengthen European competitiveness, but actually it will provide 'one stop shopping' for American firms to spread their practices to Europe. Unified Patent Court COMING SOON
0:10:048 Weird Ass Digital Fabrication Matthew Borgatti EN 3D Printing, Digital Fabrication, Laser Cutting, Mold Making, Casting With a restricted set of tools and materials, you can produce a near infinite variety of finished objects. Matthew will briefly talk on a selection of projects that feature digital fabrication techniques and how to solve problems with severe limitations of budget and time. har.ms COMING SOON
0:18:27 Motivated Misinformation: Fabricating Facts for Fun and Profit Matthew Borgatti EN Misinformation In this talk Matthew Borgatti will take you through the strange world of manipulating public opinion and individual behavior through campaigns of misinformation. We'll touch on how rumors are fabricated, how tantalizing facts remain in the public consciousness even long after they've been proven false, and the disturbingly effective manipulations that are possible with the mountains of data that can be gleaned from social networking sites. Motivated Misinformation COMING SOON
0:26:01 ToS;DR: fixing the biggest lie on the web hugo roy EN TOS, law, privacy, copyright What's the problem with terms of service, why is it a big lie and how we try to fix it with peer-reviewing and tools. tos-dr.info COMING SOON
0:32:58 OpenBTS at Burning Man David A. Burgess EN OpenBTS, Asterisk In the span of about 48 hours, in the middle of nowhere, we built a 5-site DCS1800 cellular network covering an area of about 10 sq km and serving about 1100 provisioned users. The network was built by volunteers from several organizations using mostly FOSS software, including OpenBTS, Asterisk, and yate. FAQ, Results COMING SOON
0:40:17 Fire and how it can be fun Christian Kortenhorst (namit) EN Fire, Projects Fire! And how it can be fun! Dublin Hackerspace COMING SOON
0:48:05 Experiences with space projects Christian Lölkes EN Lightning Talks, Space, Weather My personal experiences with small space projects COMING SOON
0:55:21 Solving the internet innovation paradox Michiel Leenaars (NLnet foundation) EN XMPP, SIP, IPv6, DNSSEC, DANE, DKIM, SPF, OpenID, WebID, federated social web, hosting, domain names It is easy to innovate on the internet. It is an interesting paradox that so far it has proven nearly impossible to renew the core underlying technologies of the internet itself. If we would introduce email today, it would fail. What is causing this, and what can we actually do? Network Effect Alliance COMING SOON
1:03:06 DNS (in)valid packets Tomasz <keidii> Bukowski EN Why we still should not forget about data validation/escaping even in modern systems COMING SOON
1:10:18 XiVO IPBX Open Hardware Noé Rubinstein EN telephony asterisk ipbx We're building a completely libre and open telephony server for SOHO with interfaces for ISDN, analog and Voice over IP. XiVO IPBX Open Hardware at ohanda.org COMING SOON
1:18:27 Building an Open Source Android app for German public libraries Rami DE Android, library Why such an app is awesome and why I need help from people from different cities Web OPAC App COMING SOON
1:21:42 Policy Routing Tricks Georg Wechslberger EN policy routing, iproute2, squid, iptables This talk will discuss two use cases for policy routing. The first one is automatically routing http requests for streaming site through a vpn connection and the second one is speeding up a satellite internet connection with the help of a LTE connection. Netzverkehrslenkung: Policy-based Multipath-Routing – das Beste aus zwei Welten nutzen (heise.de) COMING SOON
1:27:23 SSHARK! Centralized SSH key expiration and revocation without server support Anatole Shaw EN secure shell, ssh, public key infrastructure, pki, key revocation, security SSHARK is a new system for implementing the expiration and revocation of SSH user keys without modifying the SSH server. In SSHARK, statements about key validity are cryptographically signed by the subject SSH keys themselves, and stored in DNS. SSHARK offers a way to centralize policy about the validity of a key, and enforce those policies -- even on old versions of SSH servers, and even without needing the cooperation of the server admin. SSHARK.ORG COMING SOON
1:33:02 Socialblocks EN social networking, WiFi, Mesh Networking Socialblocks is about using (dedicated) low-power wifi enabled

devices with storage to do content routing over a high-level, async mesh like network, to share data and messages across a physical networks which is literally owned by you.

Social Blocks COMING SOON
1:35:56 freiesMagazin hog DE freiesMagazin, freie Software, Community freiesMagazin ist ein monatlich erscheinendes Magazin rund um freie Software. Dieser Vortrag stellt freiesMagazin kurz vor und möchte zur Mitarbeit anregen. freiesmagazin.de COMING SOON
1:40:58 Bedingungslos gescheite Hardware für Alle! @sofakissen, @viirus42 DE A short presentation on the launch and the idea behind the project "Hardware für Alle!", a platform where people can give away their "old" computers to people who can't afford one. Hardware für Alle! COMING SOON
1:45:00 PHDays PHDays Crew EN PHDays, CTF, Russia, Security Conference A video on the PHDays hacker conference in 2012, to preview PHDays in 2013. Video Link (NOTE: Start at 0:15, end 5:15) COMING SOON
1:49:44 The technological Singularity and Friendly AI Oliver Habryka EN Artificial Intelligence, Existential Catastrophes, Singularity Institute Artificial Intelligence development leads to some dangers that have to be dealt with in the near future or really really bad stuff may happen. Singularity Institute Webpage COMING SOON
1:54:40 Hacking the law and other strategies to create access to safe medical abortion Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, MD, MPP EN Abortion, Lawhacking, Medicine, Women's Rights This talk will present strategies for increasing access to abortion information and support, so all women may have the possibility to take their lives in their own hands independent of the law and availability of trained abortion providers. Increasing access to information and support of self-administration of medical abortions is live-saving. Women on Waves Women on Web COMING SOON
1:59:09 Data Mining Malware Brandon Dixon EN PDF, Data Mining, Classification Talk will cover the building of a PDF classifier and the use of data mining to identify malware quickly. COMING SOON
2:04:57 Lojban: The Logical Language timo EN lojban, linguistics What is lojban, why is it cool, and how do I learn it? COMING SOON
2:10:45 Building an Electronic Audio Synthesizer from Scratch Chad Stearns EN Music, audio, organ, synthesizer I am building a 82 key analog audio synth from scratch. This presentation summaries my unique design as well as my struggles associated with constructing the instrument. COMING SOON
2:16:04 iSniff GPS - Where has your iPhone been? Hubert EN Mobile, privacy, iPhone, iOS, GPS, location iSniff GPS performs passive wireless sniffing to identify nearby iPhones, iPads and other wireless clients. Data disclosed by all iDevices when they connect to WiFi networks can be used to track where each device has recently been. The tool is a combination of a command-line python script and Django web application which can be used to demonstrate this. GitHub Link Slides
2:21:56 What's up in Iceland w03 EN Iceland, IMMI, Pirate Party Many people are curious about Iceland has been up to since the crash of the economy, well we've been busy! Forming the Pirate Party, pushing for comprehensive digital freedoms with IMMI and getting linked up faster to the Internet. Come by and get the real picture. International Modern Media Initiative, Pirate Party Iceland, Island of Resilience Report, New Cable to Iceland COMING SOON

Day 4

Please give us feedback!

Video Link Title Presenter Lang Keywords Abstract Links Slides
15 Minute Talks
0:00:00 Spacenet Wilco EN Spacenet, Hackerspaces, WiFi, RADIUS Spacenet is a federated authentication system for secure roaming (wireless) network access across hackerspaces and community events. The spacenet project is part of SpaceFed, which intends to federatively link hackerspaces in terms of authentication and authorisation, as decentralized as scalability permits.. Spacenet at 29c3 About Spacenet, Already connected hackerspaces (map) COMING SOON
0:16:18 Advanced aerodynamics based on non divergent fractal fluid models Felix Schaller EN aerodynamics, bionic, fluid, simulation, model, fractals, amplification, vortex, turbulence, awarded Current techniques of human flight are yet very dull compared to the efficient application of aerodynamics on birds. The reason is that many effects which take place during flight cannot really be understood technically yet, because in aerodynamics there is not an causal derivable theory such as Newtons principles in mechanics. Aerodynamics describe more phenomenons and have often very weird descriptions for these phenomenons like aerodynamic lift. So due this lack of a derivable theory the approach of understanding flight is mostly made on trial and error with wind channel models and the support of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Methods (but CFD Methods are not derivable and results depict only rough fluid behaviour).

Instead this presentation gives an excerpt of how this problem can be solved with a derivable theory based on Newtons principles, resulting in a proposal of a fractally based solving method.

(This project has won Querdenker Award 2012)

Felix Schaller Facebook Page, Dynamic Wing Design (Video), Gliding Flight Test (Video), Querdenker Award Winners, Dissertation Page COMING SOON
0:33:13 Wie 0x02CAFE Magnete schützt: Elliptic Curve Cryptography auf der Bittorrent DHT Leon von Tippelskirch DE DHT, BitTorrent, ECC, Eliptic Curve Cryptography, 0x02CAFE Die Distributed Hash Table von BitTorrent (Kademlia) ist in keinster Weise gegen Angriffe geschützt. In diesem Lightning Talk stellen wir eine Möglichkeit vor, die DHT mit wenig Overhead kryptographisch abzusichern. Source gibt es danach bei github zum runterladen und mitmachen. Damit kann man verhindern dass Magnet Links, zum Beispiel von thepiratebay.se, leicht offline genommen werden können. COMING SOON
0:46:26 One year of Crossbear: now with SSH, too Ralph Holz EN MitM, SSL, SSH, Crossbear Crossbear is our tool to detect and, more importantly, report MitM attacks on TLS/SSL and localise their position in the network with a fair degree of confidence. We outline Crossbear's design and the effectivity against attackers of different strengths. We then proceed to describe our newest addition: CrossbearSSH. We present a notary service for SSH fingerprint verification that can be used directly with OpenSSH or queried simply via DNS. If we've got time, we give some examples how it was like to scan about 75% of IPv4 on port 22 in order to build the SSH fingerprint database for the DNS-querying (it was great fun, mostly, but our admin does not like us much anymore). About Crossbear COMING SOON
1:04:17 Print your own Robot! Matthew Borgatti EN Robotics, 3D Printing, Tentacles, Compliant Robots Soft robots are a technology that has been in development for at least 30 years but no functional soft robot has ever hit the market. Much of this is because of the time it takes to design them and the effort it takes to build them. Matthew Borgatti is proposing a method to simplify the process from design to fabrication using simple molding and 3D powder printing to produce arbitrary geometry inside silicone skins. Soft Robots at har.ms COMING SOON
1:21:14 Intellectual Property Right after the singularity and else when. A foreshadowing. dem_Fred EN IPR, intellectual property right, science­fiction, scifi, sf, philosophy, entertainment It all began in a small clinic in Night City Chiba where an unusual deal took place. It was the first “Case” of IPR seeping through to the diverse genre of Science Fiction. I will do a short race through books featuring the adaption of the „trist“ (excuse my German) field of IPR by the genre and suggest/ call for an interpretation of this development. Demunterstrichfred's Blog NO SLIDES
1:26:28 Flashproxy on Facebook Brian Duggan EN flashproxy, facebook, tor Flash proxies are a new way of providing access to a censorship circumvention system such as Tor. A flash proxy is a miniature proxy that runs in a web browser. Right now, distribution of flash proxies is limited to users that visit individual web sites that host the Flashproxy javascript. But what if users could be a flash proxy just by logging in to Facebook? Research Paper on Flash Proxies, Press on Flash Proxy on Facebook Award, Bam Software,First Access Innovation Awards Announcement COMING SOON
1:33:36 OpenSeaMap AR - Augmented Seamark Sights using OpenStreetMap Data Helge Staedtler EN OpenSeaMap, Augmented Reality, Nautic, Navigation This talk will give a short overview of how visualizing seamark data might be of some real value to leisure boat sailors as a navigational aid OpenSeaMap AR at 29c3, OpenSeaMap.org Slides
1:51:13 Die Auswirkung der morphogenetischen Felder auf die elektronische Umgebung. Robert DE Lightning Talks, Morphogen, Device, Geräte, elektronische Umgebung Ich werde folgende Fragen erläutern: “Was sind morphogenetische Felder?”, “Welche Auswirkungen haben sie?”, “Was hat das mit meinem Gerät zu tun?”, “Was kann man damit noch machen?”; NO SLIDES
1:56:20 Nitpicker - an overly picky language style checker Niels Lohmann EN English, style checker, grammar Nitpicker is a language style checker which compares your text with a large database of style warnings indicating that you may have once more used the wrong word or preposition. Nitpicker’s goal is to implement the proverb “shame on you if you fool me once, shame on me if you fool me twice”. Nitpicker Tool COMING SOON
2:01:44 conference management using frab mm EN pentabarf, conference, software, frab, ruby, rails frab is a web-based conference planning and management system. It helps to collect submissions, to manage talks and speakers and to create a schedule. frab was developed for FrosCon and was used for the last SIGINT conference. frab COMING SOON
2:08:06 Labitrack Asbjørn Sloth Tønnesen EN Organizing, tracking, Javascript, Lua, LEM, pgsql. Labitrack is an object tracking system, used to keep track of and marking stuff in our local hackerspace Labitat, using browser-generated QR codes, a reverse engineered printer driver and a coroutines-based web-server based on Lua Event Machine. COMING SOON
2:13:54 Malware.lu overview Paul Rascagneres (aka RootBSD) EN malware.lu, malware, malwasm, reverse engineering This talk will present the project malware.lu and a tool developed by the team COMING SOON
2:18:55 Creative Entrepreneurship: A project of bringing technology and humanities together Dr. Harald Klinke EN Entrepreneurship, Liberal Arts, Humanities, Braunschweig This talk covers efforts to bring technology and the humanities together in the Universities of Braunschweig Technology & Humanities Blogspot COMING SOON
2:24:12 Code Breakers Unite! Dr. Nicolas T. Courtois EN security, cryptography, networking We run a group called Code Breakers on LinkedIn and I'm looking for more participants! Code Breakers Unite! on LinkedIn COMING SOON
2:28:58 Weboob - Web Outside Of Browsers Theo, Phlogistique, Olf EN python, scraping, api We present Weboob, an application platform for rich interaction with data from websites Weboob.org COMING SOON
2:33:54 LibreOffice and the Document Foundation: liberating productivity Bjoern Michaelsen EN LibreOffice, The Document Foundation, FOSS, Productivity, Office Software COMING SOON
2:39:48 I HAVE KEYS. I BUY TEMPELHOF AIRPORT. WE HAVE PARTY. @tempelmaschine Unknown 1024 KEYS FOR ONE MILLION EURO Tempelhof, Keys, Party ,,YOU BUY THE AIRPORT TEMPELHOF?``,,YES``,,THE WHOLE AIRPORT?``,,YES, ALL!`` file:Tag4-Tempelhof You don't really want them.

Tips for a good Lightning Talk

  • All slides are run from a central computer.
    • Please see the section on bringing your own display if you absolutely must use your own.
  • You only have FIVE (or 6 2/3rd) MINUTES (for Pecha Kucha). Use them wisely.
    • Note: In Pecha Kucha, slides automatically advance every 20 seconds
  • While there are better, there is no need for any catchy slides, a background graphic is fine...but you need something behind you.
  • Just be informative, be quick, be smart.
  • Tell people how to get involved and how they can contact you.
  • Include the following things in your last slide:
Contact (DECT, email, fon)
Links (project homepage)
Place of contact (assembly, room, party)
  • Practice your talk with friends.

How it Works in Detail

  1. Submit your talk in advance.
    • You must submit your slides or background graphic in advance to guarantee a spot on the schedule.
    • Exceptions will be made only for top secret demos and specialized hardware which MUST have a VGA out ready to go. You must bring your own VGA adapter.
  2. At the Session
    1. Be present in the room 15 minutes before the session starts
    2. Be ready at the podium two presentations before yours begins, jump on stage when your slides appear!
  3. On Stage
    1. Adjust the microphone.
    2. Check your slides or background graphic
    3. Say who you are
    4. Mention the title again.
    5. If you are using slides, say "next slide" when you want to advance your slide (Does not apply to Pecha Kucha, slide advances automatically.)
    6. Speak clearly and loud.
    7. Only say the most interesting stuff.
    8. Say everything else on your webpage.
    9. When you hear the audience start to countdown to "time!" say goodbye and leave the stage quickly.
  4. After your Talk
    1. Be prepared to meet interested people after the session.
    2. Have a flyer, handout and/or business card ready.
    3. Get back to them during the congress.

Guidelines for Display Hardware Approval

  • Must be a presentation or demo that requires interactive input.
  • Must TEST your setup in the room at a prearranged time at least 12 hours prior to the Lighting Talk
  • You have 10 seconds to get your laptop on the video, anything beyond that comes out of your scheduled time.
  • Must bring your own hardware to convert to VGA.
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