edavidova@gmail.com, Sakrowski, Sembo
Presentation/introduction to the ongoing 37C3 art exhibition groupshow with Joachim Blank, Eva Davidova, Meredith Drum, exonemo, Jonas Lund, Sahej Rahal, Ingeborg Wie by panke.gallery (Sakrowski).
A look into pipelines ending in museums and not in the cloud
In the original Hacker Ethics, Steven Levy stated that "you can create art and beauty on a computer". That was 40 years ago, creating art and beauty is one thing, but how do you maintain or develop it as a gallery, archive or museum? You know all about CI/CD and deploying to "the cloud"? Well, let me show you how to deploy to a museum or art space. Important note: this talk is not about NFTs.
Sound art performance exploring the concept of translation and containers by in both digital and analog realms
Pedro A. RamÃrez
The work titled Buffered Daemons is a sound performance that attempts to explore the concepts of translation and non-local interaction in the sound realm. It does so by playing with the idiosyncrasies of audio representation/playback and mobilises them through the creation of an expanded musical situation.