Day 3

I have no knowledge of programming chatbots. But I find the topic exciting and useful regarding digital political activism. I've also talked to people in a few conversations here at ccc about the idea of a "left-wing troll army" that takes part in the discourse fight against right-wing content and right-wing extremist positions in the internet. Or is there already one? From whereas does an AI get its information in this case? How can it act in compliance with left-wing progressive and emancipatory values? I myself have been critical of social media for years and am little or not at all active there. However, many people still spend a lot of time there and digital violence and right-wing hate speech is increasing dramatically. Are we leaving the field completely or can we still do something about it?

This session is an invitation to all those who have already thought about this, are already active in this area or know what approaches already exist for using AI to wage the cultural battle against the right and its trolls. Come along and let's talk about it. I look forward to (new) connections that arise as a result.

Meeting Point is at "Reclaim Club Culture" in Komona. There we will see how many we are, and use the dome or the sitting corner.



Reclaim Club Culture