Day 2
Das ZAM entsteht in Erlangen, oder: Hacker bauen um
Das ZAM – Zentrum für Austausch und Machen ist in Erlangen ein Make-, Hack- und Kreativspace, aber auch Kulturzentrum und Begegnungsort. Öffentlich gefördert, ehrenamtlich getrieben und rund um vielseitig. Wir berichten von unseren Erfahrungen.

ZAM – Zentrum für Austausch und Machen (~ Center for Sharing and Making) is located in Erlangen. A collaboration between the city's Cultural Office, Bits'n'Bugs – the local CCC group, and many other stakeholders is transforming a former retail store of over 30,000 square feet into a community space. A significant portion of the project involves volunteer work, even during the renovation, with the advantage that ZAM is already available to the active community.
How can this succeed? Renovation and usage, volunteers and professionals, hackers and city administration? We will present on the current status of this endeavour, how it originated, and where we are heading.
SOCO Assembly – Chaos Südost Organization – Bits'n'Bugs – ZAM (DECT 2633)