Day 3
CANarchy - A short introduction
In 10 minutes you can make your own CANarchy, a versatile CAN-bus exploration and exploitation tool. I will also show you examples on how to use it.

CANarchy is a versatile CAN-bus exploration and exploitation tool.
It is a fully open source kit.
They are super easy to assemble (like 10 minutes)
and i will show how to use them on example.
You userfriendly CANbus Hacking tool:
- Did you ever want to get rid of the speedlimit on your E-Bike?
- Submit you Cars data over the Internet via MQTT in Realtime?
- Repurpose that old Scooter or Battery you found for cheap at an auction?
- Make the elevator access a floor that is not available to you via buttons?
- Log a large number of CANmessages to a microSD Card for further analysis?
- Reply recorded Logs?
- Send custom Answers to Queries on the CANbus?
- Open that lock at the push of a button? Well .. its easy now.
CANarchy features an ESP32-S2 microcontroller running an open source built firmware based on circuitpython. It has support for:
- USB Mass-Storage
- OLED Display 64x128 Pixel
- MicroSD card slot
- Hall Sensor
- 3 Touch Inputs
- 12-72V DC Input
- CANbus Termination via Jumper
- Easy assembly
- Open Source Functionality expansion via Drag-n-Drop
More Information on https://canarchy.io
Materials Cost: €50
Workshop leader: overflo
What to bring: (nothing needed!)
Where: Hardware Hacking Area
DECT: 2676 (CORN)