Toppoint. Hacking und schnacking in Kiel.
According to historical documents, the founding of Toppoint e.V. can be dated back to 1990. Originally born from the schnapps idea of founding an ISP, Toppoint can look back on an eventful history. Sometimes it turns out that schnapps ideas are sometimes the best ideas and so the ISP, founded by a small group of idealists in the early 1990s, developed into one of the most popular in Kiel and the local area.
Today, the legacy of the idea of connecting people with each other is carried on by the hackspace "Toppoint". A meeting place for anyone who wants to know how something works. People screw, solder, program, discuss, exchange knowledge and rip apart anything that can be ripped apart.
Whoa, stop! If you're getting the impression that we're talking about some haiopeis who indulge their hedonistic cravings for technology, let me calm you down. That is not the case. Quite the opposite. In the spirit of the Toppoint e.V. association, it houses the Office for Intergalactic Affairs to assist travelers with consular services. Do you need new papers? it's worth a visit - take a seat and let yourself be enchanted by the gradual onset of bewilderment while our lost staff whisk you away into the wonderful world of bureaucracy.