Copenhagen based hackerspace Labitat, the Unix usergroup become hackerspace now approaching the renitent age of 13 years. Come and ask us about hackerspace life between wet dreams and wet feet, about our growing Internet Exchange LabIX, about routing and the many technical intricacies of providing internet access in general, ...or just hang out with us, we have cookies and blinky things.
Come peer with us! We are looking for YOU if are planning/dreaming/running microhosting with BGP in your space/life/moms basement, if you are interested in joining our (educational) Internet Exchange, or looking for peering partners in the Copenhagen-Malmö region.
And we do hardware! From years of developing event badges, iconic lanterns for festival illumination, to lock picking and picking concrete walls out of bunkers to make space for anecdotes and onion nodes - we have a lot to talk about.