
Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND)

BUND is a non-governmental environmental and nature conservation organisation based in Berlin. It is the German member of the international nature conservation network Friends of the Earth and part of the German Nature Conservation Ring (DNR). BUND is one of the largest environmental and nature conservation organisations in Germany. For years, BUND has seen itself in the role of a critical admonisher and observer that uncovers environmental policy deficits, engages in political lobbying and educates the public. For example, it asks how renewable energies can be expanded, how rivers and lakes can be protected from pollutants, how radiation pollution can be reduced and how nature conservation can be promoted. The organisation is calling for a turnaround in agricultural policy. Actions and campaigns at regional, national and international level have led to the preservation of moorland areas, mobilisation against nuclear power and the promotion of environmentally friendly and healthy products.



assembly projects

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assembly badges

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