Lightning Talks
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Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give!
Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick! To get an idea what Lightning Talks are about and how they work, look at last year's sessions.
The Lightning Talks are full! Registration is closed, as all the timeslots in the three sessions are full.
There is an additional, self-organized session for all the speakers who could not get a talk in the Saal Borg sessions. See [1] for details, schedule and contact info.
If you have any questions, please send a mail to the Lightning Talk team. We speak English and German.
Please see for a schedule in various formats like iCal, JSON, XML.
Lightning talk sessions are offered on Day 2, Day 3 and Day 4 of the congress.
Each session starts at 11:30 and ends at 13:50, with a 15 minute break from 12:35 to 12:50.
All sessions take place in Saal Borg. Resistance is futile.
In the unlikely case that something bad happens to the wiki or this page, follow @C3_LightningTLK on twitter for announcements.
Day 2 - 2018-12-28
Time | Title (Language) | Abstract | Author |
11:30 | Lightning Talks Introduction Day 2 (en) | A short introduction to the Lightning Talks Day 2 session | gedsic |
11:35 | ma1lm4n.mp4 (en) | Hacking my apartment's door communication system camera | jiska |
11:40 | 1-click orders for open source hardware electronics (en) | []( is a site to share electronics projects that makes it easier to buy parts and re-build projects. | Kaspar Emanuel |
11:45 | Hack4Climate and United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP24) (en) | Innovation program for exponential #ClimateAction. Presenting tools and technologies from #COP24 conference and #Hack4Climate hackathon. | Mars Robertson |
11:50 | Bodymind Operating Systems (en) | What is the software you are running in your body and in your mind? | Dmitry Paranyushkin |
11:55 | The cheapiest power side channels (en) | Want to recover cryptographic keys by just looking at a chip's power usage, for the price of a few beers? | Albert spruyt |
12:00 | We need to tell a story better than cyberpunk (en) | Not every baker and schoolteacher needs to understand HTTP or assembly language, but they all should know why net neutrality is important. | Pawel 'alxd' Ngei |
12:05 | EventFahrplan (en) | One app to serve you all. | tbsprs |
12:10 | How to code with DIP switches only (en) | Writing 32 bytes of code for the Atari 2600 VCS just using DIP switches to make a tiny demo. | SvOlli |
12:15 | Make Automotive Grade Again (en) | Why the automotive industry needs you, and why you should care. | knilch |
12:20 | "Strokes" - Helping you learn Chinese characters (en) | I wrote a project that creates worksheets that teach you how to write most Chinese characters, stroke-by-stroke. Goal was to make it easier to learn. | d33tah |
12:25 | Dissolving GAFAM, a bit at a time (en) | “We need to re-decentralise the web” @TimBl, 2014 “You are never too small to make a difference” Greta Thunberg, 2018, Cattowice | |
12:30 | OpenSource im ERV am Beispiel von j-lawyer (de) | Der ERV ist dominiert von properitärer Software. Dass dies jedenfalls auf Seiten der Anwaltschaft nicht zwingend ist, zeigt das Beispiel j-lawyer. | Christoph R. Müller |
12:35 | 15 minute break - 15 Minuten Pause (en) | 15 minute break - 15 Minuten Pause | gedsic |
12:50 | Gender and IoT (#GIoT): The rise of the Internet of Things and implications for technology-facilitated abuse (en) | This talk will highlight findings from a research project at UCL and encourages anyone interested in the topic to get in touch / get involved. | Leonie |
12:55 | Introducing RabbitControl- The Remote Control Protocol (en) | We introduce a protocol and API's to expose parameters from any application and control them in a generic UI client. | joreg, ingo randolf, i.n.g.o. |
13:00 | A complete description of the IPoWAC protocol (en) | IP over Web-Avian Carriers (IPoWAC) brings RFC 1149 (IP over Avian Carriers) to the modern web. | danrl |
13:05 | Chiptunes on an Attiny4 (en) | Implementing an existing "algorithmic soundscape" in AVR-assembly -- on Atmel's smallest microcontroller | gir |
13:10 | Feminism (de) | Why we need feminism | melzai, Leena Simon |
13:15 | The Haecksen (de) | The group of women in the CCC has now over 150 members, at least four active local groups and runs a large Dom in H2. | melzai, Piko, ghostrich |
13:20 | A Call to Action For Moving Towards Equality (de) | The movement towards equality is not just a movement where minorities participate. You can, too! | melzai |
13:25 | Faire Elektronik: is there anybody out there? (de) | "Faire Elektronik-Produkte" heißt leider kein einziges Regal im Elektro-Fachgeschäft unseres Vertrauens. 5 Minuten dazu, wie wir das ändern können. | Verena Kaiser |
13:30 | "Deine QR-Codes gehen an Google!" – ein Offline-QR-Code-Generator als Alternative (de) | Viele Browser-Add-ons zum Generieren von QR-Codes senden diese an Google. Dieser Talk stellt einen alternativen Offline-QR-Code-Generator vor. | rugk |
13:35 | Neue Horizonte - Digitalisierung in der Medizin ist möglich (de) | So gelingt Digitalisierung in der Medizin. Sogar die Telematikinfrastruktur kann so DSGVO-konform umgesetzt werden. | Stefan Streit |
13:40 | Medienkompetenz kann man nicht downloaden! (de) | Die spielerische Auseinandersetzung mit Technik und Medien reicht heute nicht mehr aus, um auch kritisches Bewusstsein zu fördern. | Jens Möller |
13:45 | Baut kleine geile Startups auf (de) | Startups sind cool - scheinbar. Eigentlich sind sie alle durchweg scheiße und gesellschaftsschädlich. Aber wie würden denn coole Startups aussehen? | Peer Aaron de Luun |
Day 3 - 2018-12-29
Time | Title (Language) | Abstract | Author |
11:30 | Lightning Talks Introduction Day 3 (en) | A short introduction to the Lightning Talks Day 3 session | gedsic |
11:35 | Announcing satRday Berlin 2019 (en) | the Berlin satRday group is a team of professional data scientists who are looking to organize Berlin’s first satRday conference | Noa Tamir |
11:40 | Public Sector Information Directive - Open Data (en) | The Public Sector Information Directive will define the available data sets from governments for years ... | Walter Palmetshofer / vavoida |
11:45 | P455w0rd Strength Meters: Any good? (en) | This talk takes a look at password strength meters, presents a new meter model, and launches the inaugural Password Hacker Contest. | kannX, nikanta |
11:50 | netlink and go (en) | Netlink is used to transfer information between the kernel and user-space. This talk will show, how this can be done with golang. | florian |
11:55 | Food Hacking Base (fhb) 2019 (en) | We fly through the fhb adventures during the "crazy 2018", remember the Newline in Gent, Fri3D camp, party EMF, the CCC congress. And 2019? Well ... | František Algoldor Apfelbeck |
12:00 | Getaviz – Solving Software Engineering Problems in 3 simple Steps (en) | Getaviz is an open source project for solving software engineering problems visually. | David Baum |
12:05 | Introduction to sigrok (en) | This talk will provide an introduction to the open source sigrok project. | Soeren |
12:10 | Datenkrake gefunden, und nun? (de) | Was tun, wenn Du eine Software, App, Hardware, Website, … gefunden hast, die zu viele Daten nach Hause oder irgendwo hin telefoniert oder Daten leakt? | Alvar Freude |
12:15 | BorgBackup Update (en) | I'll give an update about borg, related software/services and recent developments. | Thomas Waldmann |
12:20 | TUMexam: Wie wir mit 1000+ Klausuren fertig werden (de) | TUMexam ist ein System für Scannerklausuren, das viele Abläufe großer schriftlicher Prüfungen automatisiert - einschließlich Einsicht. | Stephan Günther |
12:25 | Take control of your digital identity with IRMA (en) | This talk will introduce IRMA, which offers privacy-friendly, secure and open source attribute-based authentication and signing. | Confiks |
12:30 | Warum wir zwei Jahre lang Wikibooks ausgedruckt haben (de) | Unser Tool exportiert das Wiki "Mathe für Nicht-Freaks" in ein druckbares PDF. Wir zeigen das Projekt, den Dachverein Serlo und wie Du helfen kannst. |, |
12:35 | 15 minute break - 15 Minuten Pause (en) | 15 minute break - 15 Minuten Pause | gedsic |
12:50 | openage (en) | openage is a free Age of Empires II engine. We'll present the project's progress of the last year and future plans. | JJ |
12:55 | Crypto payments in hyperinflation countries and beyond - example Dash (en) | This talk will focus on strategies to onboard and empower merchants to accepts cryptocurrencies and to motivate users to pay with them | Felix Mago |
13:00 | BalCCon2k19 (en) | BalCCon2k19-Balkan Computer Congress is three days gathering of the international hacker community in the organization of LUGoNS. | Jelena_BalCCon |
13:05 | Exploiting WPS-PBC on Windows 10 (en) | This lighting talk will discuss a Wi-Fi association technique against clients running Windows 10. | sophron |
13:10 | Human Connection - the free and open source social network for active citizenship (en) | How to connect an open source social network with the federated social network universe, aka the "Fediverse"? | Robert Schäfer |
13:15 | The importance of Privacy in iOS (en) | I want to summarize some things an iOS developer should do to ensure the most critical user can still use my app in some regards. | StuFF mc |
13:20 | TAN - Tree Area Network (en) | experiment with near-field communication in the wild to send data over a tree. the jungle as a data-network. | i.n.g.o. |
13:25 | GNU/Linux/Unix Improved (en) | Linux security is painful! Linux operation is painful! It has not be that way. | zem |
13:30 | Navigating in Linux Kernel Security Area (en) | I will present the Linux Kernel Defence Map and kconfig-hardened-check script for checking Linux kernel config against hardening recommendations | Alexander Popov / a13xp0p0v |
13:35 | Pivot to the Cloud using Pass the Cookie (en) | This talk will discuss Pass the Cookie which is a post-exploitation technique adversaries and red teams use to pivot from on-premise to cloud asset. | Johann Rehberger |
13:40 | “war on drugs” - undoing 50 years of fake news and propaganda (en) | Brief history of why narcotics are illegal and recent news in the area of psychedelic research. | Michael Freeman |
13:45 | An exercise in collaboration (en) | An exercise in collaboration | Curry Club Augsburg |
Day 4 - 2018-12-30
Time | Title (Language) | Abstract | Author |
11:30 | Lightning Talks Introduction Day 4 (en) | A short introduction to the Lightning Talks Day 3 session | gedsic |
11:35 | Improving digital discussions with `sober` (en) | LT about the tool which might lead to less frustrating and more constructive discussions, especially in small groups. | Carsten K. |
11:40 | A Home-brew computer club* for Connected Autonomous Mobility (en) | Interested in how to make a vehicle drive autonomously? Connect with people at, exchange ideas and do cool projects together! | Rainer |
11:45 | Smart Contract Security - Securify (en) | Smart contract security is a major issue. Securify is a free and open-source scanner for common vulnerabilities inside smart contracts. | Hubert Ritzdorf |
11:50 | Find your open source contributors in online learner communities (en) | Are you a lone fighter on your open source project because you cannot hire developers? Invest your time and skills instead and do some good! | Robert Schäfer |
11:55 | Santa's ELF Fingerprinting (en) | Sometimes it is necessary to know how certain binaries are built. We'll talk about which heuristics will grant us the information we need. | Knightingale |
12:00 | Alternative keyboards and keyboardlayouts (en) | What alternatives to the classical QWERTY keyboard exist and why should you even care? | sohalt |
12:05 | revfs - export a local directory via ssh (en) | Some people know sshfs where you can export a remote folder locally. I would like to show how the reverse is useful and how far my OSS prototype is. | Stefan Schindler @dns2utf8 |
12:10 | Update für die Fahrradwege deiner Stadt (de) | Die Radwege in deiner Stadt sind marode und gefährlich? Hier zeigen wir ein Tool, dass das ändert, den Radentscheid. | David Grünewald |
12:15 | - oder: jede Idee beginnt mit dem Kauf einer neuen Domain (de) | Podcasterinnen und nicht-binäre Podcastende hör- und sichtbar machen. Auf Bühnen, in Workshops und in Podcasts. | Daniela Ishorst |
12:20 | Open Legal Data: Make Law Transparent Again. (de) | Obwohl Urteile im Namen des Volkes ergehen, sind sie nur unzureichend zugänglich. Wir ändern das, indem wir Urteile als Open Data veröffentlichen. | Saskia Ostendorff |
12:25 | Videoüberwachung im Schafstall (de) | Warum und wie ich begonnen habe meine Schafe per IP-Camera zu überwachen. | Lorenz Michael Vögel |
12:30 | Chaosbots (de) | Die Chaosbots sind Personen, die neuen Mitgliedern der Chaos Familie den Einstieg in die CCC-Welt näher bringen und mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen. | watz |
12:35 | 15 minute break - 15 Minuten Pause (en) | 15 minute break - 15 Minuten Pause | gedsic |
12:50 | FOSSASIA - A 10 Year Journey (en) | The story from birth to the 10th Anniversary of an Asia's Open Source Community. Achievements and Challenges. Friendship vs. Conflict. Lessons learned | hpdang |
12:55 | Miniaturizing Laboratories with Pocket Science Lab (en) | PSLab is a small USB powered open hardware extension for your Android phone or PC that lets you measure all kinds of things. | Mario Behling |
13:00 | Software-Accessibility - was soll schon schiefgehen? (de) | Software ist oft nicht barrierefrei! Wie uns Sehbehinderte das manchmal einschränkt erzähle ich kurz und knapp in diesem Talk. | nwng |
13:05 | How to Generate Insight Using Text Network Analysis (en) | How to use text network visualization to generate new ideas. | Dmitry Paranyushkin |
13:10 | Not shutting down the internet (en) | Calling all the hacktivists to help us come up with creative solutions how to shake up the planet a little bit. (not shutting down the internet) | Mars Robertson |
13:15 | Open Hardware and Free Software Camera for for Long- Range 3D perception enhanced by Neural Network (en) | We present a Neural Network friendly Open Hardware camera rig solution. | Polto |
13:20 | Why we need GNU/Linux on mobile devices (now more than ever) (en) | A look into possible future scenarios for the mobile OS market and a quick intro to some projects trying to save us from certain annihilation. | Jan Sprinz |
13:25 | WICCA: Women in Cybersecurity Community Amsterdam (en) | This 5-minute session is to introduce WICCA, a new Dutch initiative to start a women-only InfoSec group of badass hacker ladies in the Netherlands! | @vm00z |
13:30 | Introduction to Authentication using OpenID Connect (en) | A short introduction about the authorization framework OpenID Connect | Benni |
13:35 | Mathematicians+Ethics=Error404 (en) | Mathematics is one of the most important tools in the modern world, yet most mathematicians receive no ethical training. See a problem? | Maurice Chiodo |
13:40 | Sailing to the New Paradigm (en) | Blockchain, Pirates, Hackers, Permaculture. A new paradigm proposal for adopting disused builing as new paradigm economic bases. | Liam Astralship |
13:45 | Lightning Talks: was kann schon schief gehen / what could possibly go wrong ? (de) | Lightning Talks sind leicht ... oder nicht? Sind doch bloß fünf Minuten. Wir erzählen, was alles so schief gehen kann, als Orga und als Vortragender. | SvOlli |
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