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Cover of 25C3 Proceedings
Cover of 25C3 Proceedings

All submitted papers and descriptions of the lectures held on the 25C3 have been combined to the Proceedings. Yes, printed. On dead wood. You can order it at the FoeBud-Shop online. Main-language is of course English.

The Proceedings contain 19 academic papers and description of 85 events of the 25C3 on more than 300 pages at glance.


[edit] Publication Meta-Data

ISBN:      978-3-934636-07-1
ISSN:      1867-8556
publisher: Verlag Art d'Ameublement, Bielefeld.
available: from 2008-12-27
buy:       either at the congress, or afterwards online at
cost:      23 Euros

[edit] Contents

We created a page (or more if needed) for each of the 85 events on 25C3, which contains the following information, based on what we found in the pentabarf record of that lecture on December, 16th:

  • Coordinates (Time, Space, Track, Type, Language)
  • Title + Subtitle + Icon
  • Abstract and the whole long description
  • Links and their description.
  • Names + E-Mailadresses of Speakers + Short-Biography + Image (if public)
  • URL of the event.

Additionally you find 19 academic papers, spotting these lectures, each between 2 and 28 pages long (10 on average):

[edit] Licence

Default licencse: cc-by-nc-nd-2.0

All papers and the complete proceedings are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution: Non-Commercial, No-Derivative, 2.0, Germany, if not otherwise noted.

[edit] What about the children?

The whole process of printing - from the beginning of killing trees until the finished book - is FSC-certified (FSC Mix Paper) and climate-neutral. The emitted carbon-dioxide is compensated through the print-partner natureOffice who invests in regenerative energy facilities in developing countries. Climate-neutral print ID and exact CO2-output will follow here.

[edit] Looking for Libraries & Distribution Partner

We are kindly looking for librarians who are interested in archiving or other people interested in spreading the proceedings of this congress (25C3) and the last three congresses (22C3, 23C3, 24C3).

Libraries who should have one or two:

  • Deutsche National-Bibliothek (German National Library)
  • Bibliothek des Bundestags (Library of German Parliament)
  • Public Library, New York

If you have any suggestions, please note them here. If you can share some insights to this process then please get in touch with wetterfrosch.

[edit] Contact

For whatever request, contact wetterfrosch as nerd-in-chief for this project.

[edit] See also

Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz