From 25C3 Public Wiki
[edit] The Power To The People auction event @ c-base!
To raise a little money for c-base's looming power bill, has put together some super nice little geeky collectibles from hackerspaces all around the world. These will be auctioned off during the night of Dec. 29th - the program is as follows:
Title | Time | Language | Done by | Notes |
Foodhacking workshop molecular cooking | 14:00 | en | Marc Powell | limited tickets and further information available via |
Aktivismus im digitalen Zeitalter | 18:00 | de | Markus Beckedahl, | Das Internet verändert Politik und politische Kampagnen. Während in der tradionellen Medienwelt Kampagnen in der Regel zentral gesteuert abliefen, funktionieren sie im sozialen Netz auch wie Open Source Projekte: Jeder kann mitmachen und Teil einer Kampagne sein.Dieser Vortrag zeigt auf, wie Kampagnen heute in einer veränderten Medienlandschaft funktionieren (können). |
Foodhacking Dinner and presentation of the semantic food engine | 19:00 | various | Marc Powell and Foodhacking-workshop-team | roundabout 50 meals available, first come first serve |
Das Snafu-Prinzip Wie Hierarchien Kommunikation verhindern | 20:30 | de | Daniel Kulla | Vortrag über die Funktionsweise des Snafu-Prinzips, seine Auswirkungen, praktizierte Gegenstrategien und die Konsequenzen auch und gerade für ganz flache und informelle Hierarchien. |
Power to the People | 23:00 | en | hostet by Nick Farr & Astera | fund raising event for c-base sponsored by including an auction . |
Therefore, dinner will be available at around 07 pm for as little as 3 EUR + donation!
For any questions concerning the event, get in touch with us via
[edit] The shiny, geeky collectibles
... that we'll be autioning off include the follwing:
Unfortunately, we haven't - by far! - yet received all pictures of the goods that'll be held for auction, but we'll update this wikipage on the go!