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[edit] Who we are

A small group of Lojban enthusiasts.

[edit] What Lojban is

Excerpt from Wikipedia: "Lojban (pronounced [ˈloʒban]) is a constructed, syntactically unambiguous human language based on predicate logic. Its predecessor is Loglan, the original logical language by James Cooke Brown. [...] Lojban is sometimes misunderstood to be within some exclusive domains such as formal logic or computer programming; however, it is usable for daily conversation. While it is meant to be capable of handling highly logical concepts, it is also highly flexible. To whatever degree the speaker wishes, it can resemble its natural, programming, or other constructed counterparts, and it can be poetic, ambiguous, precise, or neutral."

More Information at:

[edit] What we are doing

We are translating the word list into German to provide German newcomers to Lojban an easy way for vocabulary learning. If we have some spare time, another project would be to start a good didactic German Lojban textbook. This would allow Germans to learn Lojban more easily and would be important for Lojban as an international language to be not so dependant on English.

Unlike the last two years, there will not be an official Lojban workshop in the workshop room. But we heartly invite everyone interested to come to us (if we hopefully get hackcenter space), to get more information or small personal workshops at our place.

[edit] Contact

We hope to get space (5 seats) in the hackcenter. Stay tuned for more information.

Project coordinator: alexkoch (underscore) mail (et) web (denpa bu) de. PS: It would be cool to be placed near the couches, for additional casual Lojban talking. ;-)

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