From 24C3 Public Wiki
Two days from Con, but there is no Herold schedule yet.
In case we end end up doing this again on the wiki, here is a demo table for schedule consideration.
TimeSlot | Saal 1 | Saal 2 | Saal 3 | Next Talk @ |
10:30-11:20 | [??] Empty | [??] Empty | [??] Empty | (11:30) |
11:30-12:20 | [??] Empty | [??] Empty | [??] Empty | (12:45) |
Why the schedule layout choices
With so many talks, it is easy to mess up the start/end times of a talk (several of us did this last year). So, instead of just the start time of the talks, I've also included the scheduled end time.
In case a speaker goes over, it is helpful to have a reference for when the next scheduled talk is. Then you know if the speaker has 5 minutes, 15 minutes, or an entire lunch break that they can run over.
If you do not speak German well enough to introduce a German speech, it best not to schedule yourself (or get scheduled) for one. Same thing if you do not speak English. (but they likely won't be reading this) - So I've included the scheduled language for the talk (Warning: The schedule will not always reflect reality)
This is all from my experience last year as a Herold.
The Colors
Forgot to mention why I color coded the cells:
When editing last year's schedule via the wiki, if you were not familiar with MediaWiki markup (I was not then, but I am now), it can be time consuming to find the right spot within all the mark-up codes to add your name (it's not too difficult, but it took more time then it needed to). The color codes of the different rooms are intended to help you find the right spot when viewing the wiki mark-up. The colors really have nothing to do with enhancing how the schedule displays, it is included as an editing tool. (It will all make sense when you add yourself to the schedule)