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And every Golden Apple Corps is the beloved home of a Golden Worm.



Name: Johannes Laudenberg
Location: Aachen, NRW, Germany
Age: 19
Function: Ordinary Consumer
Blog: (german only)


Day 1

  • Understanding buffer overflow exploitation - 12h 
    I never really looked into this, so it's really time to.
  • Hacking CCTV - 14h 
    It might be nice to watch the watchers. Hacking for freedom sounds cool :-)
  • Videoüberwachung an deutschen Hochschulen - 16h 
    I was surprisingly confronted with this topic lately myself so I want to know the facts. What are their reasons?
  • We lost the war - 18h 
    I always liked Frank Riegers talks so I just have to be there, but...
  • Writing better code (in Dylan) - 18h 
    ...sounds also pretty interesting. Everybody talks about Dylan and I don't know why. This has to change. I will try fork() to solve the time dilemma..!

Day 2

  • AJAX Based Web Applications - 14h 
    Though I never really liked JavaScript, AJAX seems to be somehow useful. Question is, whether this is actually needed. We'll see.
  • Mehr Medienvielfalt durch Blogs - 18h 
    Johnny Haeusler is one of the German Masters of blogging. I am a blogger myself, so I want to know, what he wants to tell.
  • Secure Code - 21h 
    It's important.
  • Lyrical I - 22h 
    Hacking in a non-programming-language might be a cool variety!
  • Literarisches Code Quartett - 23h 
    Again I will need some sort of splitting...
  • Geometrie ohne Punkte, Geraden & Ebenen - 23h 
    Three interesting talks at the same time...
  • Capture The Flag und "Das Hacker Sportstudio" - 23h 
    This is bad :-(

To be continued...

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