From 22C3
On the Venice Biennale 2004 in front of a Tzech piece of Art I think it was.
Mattis Manzel
I'm a wiki-writer, born in '60 in Berlin.
In my earlier life I've been a bass player. I wrote two books on an Amstrad CP/M box and published them in the 90ies, putting them online for free download in 2002. Unfortunately I dunno how to code. In summer 2003 I first wrote on a wiki. Eversince I'm fulltime in wikilandia, and I love it.
Diversity is strength, keep it, but create connections and make global communication super conductivity flow. I think it's all one big soup, più o meno.
- email: mattismanzel ÄT yahoo PÜNTO de
- jabber:
- skype: mattismanzel
- gizmo: mattismanzel
- irc: freenode #onebigsoup
My Stuff
- community-wiki: Mattis Manzel my homepage on one of my very favorite wikis
- community-wiki: lightning talk on ccc-congress, what I did on 21C3
- s23-wiki: Mattis Manzel my homepage on another
- Mattis-Manzel-wiki ideas and wikis I started
- ting-wiki regular collab-editor sessions held twice a week since Feb 05, ultimately also using VoIP.
Todo List
Stuff I will do at the 22C3
- listen. People and lectures and people and people.
- lightning-talk about the super-ting-tool
- meet the s23-folks and many others
- take a deep breath in a corner of the hack center where I can oversee the whole room
- get an own Debian-mug