German intelligence @ darklab party

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WARNING: BSI@darklab

(note: BSI = "Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik" or "Federal Office for Information Security" is no intelligence agency. It's a federal institution which researches on risks of IT-systems et all. They have proven (IMHO) some brain by telling the German government that biometrics in passports maybe is a shitty idea - sadly our government won't often listens to experts (does any?) more about BSI @

The original poster so somewhat missed the point - maybe the posters mother works for some intelligence agency(s!? - omg!), too.. - you'll never know for sure..)

Yesterday at Darklab's party I talked to a very suspicious guy named TEN . After his unprofessional try to get personal information about me he asked for my mail adress. I told him my mailserver is down (hehe) and I could not supply an address so he gave me his (if you would like to play with it - it's At first sight not willing to tell me about his job he told me (after asking for it several times) that he does Social Engineering for the German Federal Bureau of IT Security (BSI) (what a dumbass!). So be aware of this weird small guy, his age is between 23-27, black hair, wearing relatively elegant clothes (I can remember black ADIDAS shoes) . I would guess this guy will be at today's final Congress party again.

Gestern auf der Darklab-Party sprach ich mit einem äusserst verdächtigen Typen namens TEN. Nach seinen unprofessionellen Versuchen persönliche Infos von mir zu erlangen fragte er mich nach meiner email-Adresse. Ich sagte ihm dass mein Mailserver down sei (hehe) und ich ihm so momentan keine geben könne, also gab er mir seine (falls ihr damit spielen wollt - Nachdem er mehrfach versucht hat meiner Frage nach seinem Job auszuweichen gab er dann irgendwann zu dass er Social Engineering für das BSI macht (was ein Dummkopf!). Also Vorsicht vor dem Typen; er ist relativ klein, zwischen 23 und 27, schwarzes Haar und trägt "adrette" Kleidung (ich kann mich noch an schwarze ADIDAS-Schuhe erinnern). Ich würde vermuten dass er auch heute auf der Abschluss-Congress-Party da ist.

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