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Lawful Interception in the Netherlands and Germany

Referenten: Andreas Lehner, Paul Wouters

Sprache: englisch

Wo: Saal 2

Wann: Tag 2, 19:00

Dauer: 01:00h


Meant by its designers to be a public specification, the Transport of Intercepted IP Traffic is a "secret" document describing the interception and handover of a user's internet data from suspect to government. We'll examine what happens at the sniffer box(S1), the collector box (S2) and the government receivers (T1 and T2), and the encryption used. We'll discuss how the government will tunnel this data to themselves, or what data can't possible be tapped with the current specification. Finally, we'll describe what we know about the digital tapping room, and what a possible target can do to make things really hard for the ISP's and the government.

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