Traditional Kimchi making

Event Start: 11 Monate, 1 Woche her // Event Information

Traditional Kimchi making
17. August 2023 14:00 - 17. August 2023 16:00
Noch keine Speaker bekannt gegeben
FHB workshop 2
Food Hacking Base

This is hands on workshop where your learn how to prepare traditional Korean 김치 (kimchi). You will do two types of kimchies based on wild or spontaneous fermentation. We will see what type of nice vegetables we will get, if possible we will try to be seasonal.

This is hands on workshop where your learn how to prepare traditional Korean 김치 (kimchi). You will do two types of kimchies based on wild or spontaneous fermentation. We will see what type of nice vegetables we will get, if possible we will try to be seasonal.

The preparation of vegetable ferments in Korea, called “kimchies”, is an ancient fermentation skill based on spontaneous fermentation (naturally occurring lactic acid producing bacteria among the others) and variety of ingredients added. This workshop is a hands-on experience that reviews the basics of Korean kimchi making and today's preparation style. We will go through the main topics like how much of salt and when, salt proper salt concentration is crucial, how much liquid to leave in and which ingredients to use to minimizing of unwanted microbial contamination (ginger, garlic, spicy pepper for example). You will learn how to make probably radish kimchi, preparing it yourselves and classic winter cabbage kimchi. Part of this workshop is of course tasting of kimchi samples so you get idea what should your results taste like. You will be leaving with jar of kimchi and knowledge how to make your own.

This workshop is donation based no one turned away for lack of funds, if you can chip in around 10€, that would be great but it is up to you.

To secure spot on this workshop please sign in here.

Workshop manual is shared here.
