
In general we have two to three different types of session at our events. At this camp there are two big lecture tents (currently named Curie and Meitner) filled with talks curated by the content team. Beside this two main tents, there are also self-organized lectures and workshops in some villages and the three hack-center tents (see Self-organized Sessions).

The traditionally provided static export at only shows sessions from tent Curie and Meitner. Along the HTML version can also obtain several export formats like PDF, JSON, XML and iCal there.


Apps for the Fahrplan can be found on the Apps page.

Merged schedules (XML / JSON)

Fahrplan of two lecture tents + lounges + thm with pretalx + self-organized Sessions in Villages (wiki) + Lightning talks

Only the bigger tents + lounges

(updated about every 10 minutes via )
