Mate Making

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Description Come and drink a round of mate in between talks or any other time during Day 1 & 2 and learn a about the main ingredient in your favourite limo
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, political, art, drink
Tags mate, tea, drinks
Processing assembly TeaHouse
Person organizing Meta Mate
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions...


Subtitle Mate Drinking
Starts at
Ends at TBD
Duration TBD
Location TeaHouse

Mate is the elixir of the Congress and accompanies many of you throughout your day energizing you and helping you to focus. But what is Mate really? Join us during the first 2 days at the TeaTent for a Mate Session and good conversations. AMA - MATE - Stop by in case you want to know anything about mate, are curious to try some, are a hard core mate drinker who needs a quick fix or just want a 'pick me up' for the attention span in between talks. Com and share many mates from the traditional handmade pure stuff to urban hacks such as our Mate 23. It is recommended if you are really interested in mate to come with a little bit of time to experience the mate matrix that develops in talks around a meta mate…. We are mate hackers passionate about what we do and believe that the more mate that is drunk at the congress, will Creatively Contribute to the 33C3