So who are the rioters ?

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Description 36 min. film. Insiders' views on the wave of protests that have punctuated spring and early summer in France.
Type Other
Kids session No
Keyword(s) political
Person organizing Lamirale
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions...


Starts at 2016/12/30 13:05
Ends at 2016/12/30 13:41
Duration 36 minutes
Location Hall C.1

SO WHO ARE THE RIOTERS ? (Alors c'est qui les casseurs ?)

This past year in France, Labor Law stirred a blow of protests against it. In reaction, the government, its ministers, president and police have organised police and political repression, multiplying power stunts to stifle this movement.

Financial insecurity, social violence and media manipulation are symptoms of the unrest of a society that strategically silences its people.

This film makes the voice of those who rebel heard, those that we never hear and that are despised by power, media and their prevailing view.