


Cooperation Wikipedia-OpenStreetMap
Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap cooperate since 2009.

What did we archive in this time? What are the ideas for cooperation in the future? The cooperation wasn't always easy. So what did we learn in this time? What are the difference between both projects in terms of organisation and community? What do both projects have in common?

Please notify us if you would like to participate in the discussion!

Type: Discussion
Processed by assembly: Mass collaboration
Person organizing Tim Alder
Orga contact alder_tim ääat hotmail_comURIs of the form "alder_tim ääat hotmail_com" are not allowed.

Starts at 2012/12/28 04:00:00 PM
Ends at 2012/12/28 05:00:00 PM
Duration 60 minutes
Location Mass collaboration
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