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Several teams will offer audio and video live streams of the lectures: Fahrplan




The plan is to have all videos available in at least 24h via FTP and Bittorrent.

Please have a look on the Conference Recordings Page too.


The streams are soon available in different formats:

At the moment we're planning with wmv-, h264- and SlidesOnly-with-audio-solutions.


Audio only Vorbis Streams

Contact: mrud #27c3 - @mr_ud Twitter -


lounge mp3 stream :)


Have a look at the Documentation page.

Known problems

Day 1

  • Due to SDI-fuckup and technical malfunctions audio and video problems in saal 2 and 3. We're working on it!
    • We restarted the encoder at another position and checked all connections. Seems to be solved now.
  • Because of a suboptimal disposition of our streaming servers at the moment, we're experiencing some connection losts with h264-Streams. If happened (player shows 'play again'), please simply refresh the page.

Day 2

  • Problems with h264 seems still to be there. We're looking for the problem.


Are the streams not working? Then please check on these things:

  • Are there any lectures right now?
  • Is the (internal) network up and running?
    • Ping
  • Is there no data from the streams?
    • Search the "Known Problems"-passage and add your question if its not already asked.


If there actually are lectures happening, the network is up and there is yet no data - only then call the video studio at DECT:1160.

Please be aware that this is not a support hotline.

Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz