From 27C3 public wiki
Conference Recordings
The FeM, which helped us for more than 6 years with filming, cutting, streaming and archiving the Congress, needs to buy new and better equipment for a better video quality.
We’re pleased to communicate their call for participation. Please visit their website for more information and the donation-button:
Contents[hide] |
Official Releases
Overview of officially released files
Please be aware of editing the tables, because our software updates the tables automatically .
Lectures that will not be published
Format | #### | Title | Reason | Status |
Released Lectures
VID | Title | H.264 | MP3 | OGG |
3952 | Running your own GSM stack on a phone | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
3957 | Recent advances in IPv6 insecurities | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
3983 | Hackers and Computer Science | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4003 | Cybernetics for the Masses | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4006 | DIY synthesizers and sound generators | mp4 | - | - |
4011 | JTAG/Serial/FLASH/PCB Embedded Reverse Engineering Tools and Techniques | mp4 | - | - |
4017 | Desktop on the Linux... (and BSD, of course) | mp4 | - | - |
4018 | FrozenCache | mp4 | - | - |
4036 | Reverse Engineering a real-world RFID payment system | mp4 | - | - |
4046 | AllColoursAreBeautiful | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4055 | Terrorists Win - Exploiting Telecommunications Data Retention? | mp4 | - | - |
4057 | Adventures in Mapping Afghanistan Elections | mp4 | - | - |
4060 | SMS-o-Death | mp4 | - | - |
4061 | Building Custom Disassemblers | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4067 | Data Analysis in Terabit Ethernet Traffic | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4070 | Fnord-Jahresrückblick 2010 | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4073 | Logikschaltungen ohne Elektronik | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4081 | Netzmedienrecht, Lobbyismus und Korruption | mp4 | - | - |
4082 | Rootkits and Trojans on Your SAP Landscape | mp4 | - | - |
4084 | Ignorance and Peace Narratives in Cyberspace | mp4 | - | - |
4085 | Digitale Spaltung per Gesetz | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4087 | Console Hacking 2010 | mp4 | - | - |
4089 | Ich sehe nicht, dass wir nicht zustimmen werden | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4090 | The Baseband Apocalypse | mp4 | - | - |
4094 | Netzneutralität und QoS - ein Widerspruch? | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4096 | Code deobfuscation by optimization | mp4 | - | - |
4097 | Techniken zur Identifizierung von Netzwerk-Protokollen | mp4 | - | - |
4098 | Tor is Peace, Software Freedom is Slavery, Wikipedia is Truth | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4099 | File -> Print -> Electronics | mp4 | - | - |
4103 | Copyright Enforcement Vs. Freedoms | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4111 | Eins, zwei, drei - alle sind dabei | mp4 | - | - |
4114 | Analyzing a modern cryptographic RFID system | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4121 | Is the SSLiverse a safe place? | mp4 | - | - |
4123 | Defense is not dead | mp4 | - | - |
4124 | Three jobs that journalists will do in 2050 | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4125 | Spinning the electronic Wheel | mp4 | - | - |
4138 | Secure communications below the hearing threshold | mp4 | - | - |
4140 | Contemporary Profiling of Web Users | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4141 | Hacker Jeopardy | mp4 | - | - |
4142 | Node.js as a networking tool | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4143 | Part-Time Scientists | mp4 | - | - |
4144 | A short political history of acoustics | mp4 | - | - |
4145 | "Spoilers, Reverse Green, DECEL!" or "What's it doing now?" | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4149 | I Control Your Code | mp4 | - | - |
4151 | Android geolocation using GSM network | mp4 | - | - |
4159 | Reverse Engineering the MOS 6502 CPU | mp4 | - | - |
4160 | Automatic Identification of Cryptographic Primitives in Software | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4164 | Friede sei mit Euren Daten | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4168 | A framework for automated architecture-independent gadget search | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4174 | The Hidden Nemesis | mp4 | - | - |
4175 | From robot to robot | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4176 | Hacking iButtons | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4181 | SIP home gateways under fire | mp4 | - | - |
4183 | Safety on the Open Sea | mp4 | - | - |
4184 | Stanislaw Lem - Der enttäuschte Weltverbesserer | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4185 | Whistleblowing | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4187 | Your Infrastructure Will Kill You | mp4 | - | - |
4190 | Data Retention in the EU five years after the Directive | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4193 | Having fun with RTP | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4195 | Literarischer Abend | mp4 | - | - |
4201 | "The Concert" | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4203 | Distributed FPGA Number Crunching For The Masses | mp4 | - | - |
4206 | IMMI, from concept to reality | mp4 | - | - |
4208 | Wideband GSM Sniffing | mp4 | - | - |
4209 | Zero-sized heap allocations vulnerability analysis | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4210 | Lying To The Neighbours | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4211 | Chip and PIN is Broken | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4221 | OMG WTF PDF | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4230 | Security Nightmares | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4231 | Data Recovery Techniques | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4234 | USB and libusb | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4236 | International Cyber Jurisdiction | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4237 | INDECT - an EU-Surveillance Project | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4239 | Lightning Talks - Day 3 | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4244 | A Critical Overview of 10 years of Privacy Enhancing Technologies | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4245 | Adventures in analyzing Stuxnet | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4252 | Von Zensursula über Censilia hin zum Kindernet | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4253 | Pentanews Game Show | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4261 | News Key Recovery Attacks on RC4/WEP | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4263 | The importance of resisting Excessive Government Surveillance | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4265 | hacking smart phones | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4276 | Cognitive Psychology for Hackers | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4295 | High-speed high-security cryptography: encrypting and authenticating the whole Internet | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4296 | Lightning Talks - Day 2 | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4297 | "Die gesamte Technik ist sicher" | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4298 | CCC-Jahresrückblick 2010 | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4299 | Abschlussveranstaltung | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4300 | Lightning Talks - Day 4 | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4301 | How the Internet sees you | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4302 | 27C3 Keynote | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4326 | Radio der Zukunft | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4333 | Hacker Jeopardy (english translation) | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4334 | Fnord-Jahresrückblick 2010 (english translation) | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4338 | Wikileaks und mehr | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
4339 | OpenLeaks | mp4 | mp3 | ogg |
Last update: --FeM.Tracker 21:44, 12 January 2011 (CET)
Please list any issues with the above videos here, so FeM can correct them.
#### | Format | Error description | FeM says: | Status |
3952 | mp3/ogg | No such file or directory | ||
4061 | mp4 | Starting at 00:59:35 video (and audio) keeps repeating for about 12 minutes. Audio/video jump at 4:48. | ||
4143 | mp4 | Audio/video jumps at 6:32, 6:43, 29:56; audio glitches from 12:28-12:33, and at 12:51 | ||
4175 | mp4 | vlc and totem stop after 30:00 mins while the speaker says: "desaster" :) | ||
4185 | any | No such file or directory | ||
4252 | mp4 | On behalf of maix@freenode: Constant audio delay, approximately 5 seconds. | More like 0.5 seconds | Confirmed |
4263 | mp4 | No such file or directory | Probably a delay in mirror synchronization | Error Disappeared |
4276 | final version | Multiple slides not shown, including during crucial audience participation segments - e.g. 11m55s, 12m02s, 12m06s, 24m00s, 24m07s, 24m17s, 24m19s, 24m28s, 27m02s, etc etc | yes, the live-mix is not optimal | Fixed |
4302 | mp4 | Some parts are missing, video & audio jumps. 0:24:04 - 0:24:16, 0:26:29 - 0:26:44, 0:34:40 - 0:34:50 | ||
4326 | mp4 | vlc silently refuses playing the file, totem reports: "Die Art des Datenstroms konnte nicht ermittelt werden.", mplayer too. Filesize is 610142656, md5sum: a5d2c159cae6d079845f1c99eff40ca7 27c3-4326-de-radio_der_zukunft.mp4 | ||
4333 | mp4 | Audio glitches at 34:51, 1:02:44, 1:50:37, 1:57:17, 2:05:33 | ||
4333 | mp3 | 404 - Not Found | ||
4333 | ogg | 404 - Not Found | ||
4334 | any | No such file or directory | The slug in Fahrplan changed after encoding the file, should be fixed with the next update of this page. | Fixed soon |
4339 | mp4 | No such file or directory | Probably a delay in mirror synchronization | Error Disappeared |
- (round-robin DNS, some Gbit/s, FTP & HTTP)
- (RWTH Aachen University, 10 GBit/sec)
- (SpeedPartner GmbH, 1GBit, IPv4 and IPv6, http and seeding torrents)
- ( 1 GBit/sec -HTTP only)
- (Uni Kaiserslautern, 2 GBit/sec, all .mp4 in RAM! (only http!))
- (http, ftp, 100MBit)
- (http only, 100MBit)
- (Germany, Hetzner, 100MBit)
- (mp4-h264-HQ only, 100MBit in Frankfurt)
- (http only, 100MBit in Zurich)
- (http only, 1GBit via DFN)
- (http only, IPv4 and IPv6, 1GBit)
- (http, rsync) 1 GBit/s
- - 2gbit/s, 4 conn/ip, 10mbit/s pro connection
- (mp4-h264-HQ only, Europe, German, Fulda, 100 Mbps)
- - 100Mbit/s, IPv4 and IPv6
- (US Mirror http, 350-500 kbps / synced every 6 to 12h)
Mirror rotation
If you want to add your server to our mirror rotation, please make sure the files can be located in /CCC/27C3 (however, they don't have to exist yet). Then, send us a message to Please include the following information in your request:
- Contact information (IM contact, additional mail addresses, maybe phone number)
- Host name or internet address (we need to allow your host for the rsync transfer)
- How much bandwidth do you have/want to spend?
Thank you.
Some old recordings (file name not starting with "27c3-") were broken and cannot be played on iDevices and some other players strictly conforming to the standards. The new encodings (with the "27c3-" tag) shoud be fine. Mehdorn 14:06, 3 January 2011 (CET)
- 27c3-4141-de-hacker_jeopardy.mp4 has the new file name format but does not work with iTunes (VLC says audio is mp3 format). All the other 27c7-* files (currently 17) are fine.
--Floh 21:21, 3 January 2011 (CET)
- Update: just re-encode the audio stream with ffmpeg and it works:
ffmpeg -i 27c3-4141-de-hacker_jeopardy.mp4 -vcodec copy 27c3-4141-de-hacker_jeopardy-iDevice.mp4 -acodec aac
--Floh 20:29, 6 January 2011 (CET)
- Update: just re-encode the audio stream with ffmpeg and it works:
I tried to play 27c3-4098-en-tor_is_peace_software_freedom_is_slavery.mp4 and 27c3-4187-en-your_infrastructure_will_kill_you.mp4 on android(2.1-1 on i5700) with several players including rockplayer(works in software mode, only audio for a few seconds/video veeery slow - perhaps not enough power? 800MHz CPU/128MB RAM). Google search says pre-installed video player should play h.264/mp4(?) error message: "video could not be played". (or originally in German: "Dieses Video kann leider nicht wiedergegeben werden".) anyone tried this? --Repat 11:38, 6 January 2011 (CET)
- There will be smaller files released soon, especially for mobile devices. Maybe they work. Atze 17:11, 13 January 2011 (CET)