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Conference Recordings

The FeM, which helped us for more than 6 years with filming, cutting, streaming and archiving the Congress, needs to buy new and better equipment for a better video quality.

We’re pleased to communicate their call for participation. Please visit their website for more information and the donation-button:



Official Releases

Overview of officially released files

Please be aware of editing the tables, because our software updates the tables automatically .

Lectures that will not be published

Format #### Title Reason Status

Released Lectures

Youtube versions

VID Title H.264 MP3 OGG
3952 Running your own GSM stack on a phone mp4 mp3 ogg
3957 Recent advances in IPv6 insecurities mp4 mp3 ogg
3983 Hackers and Computer Science mp4 mp3 ogg
4003 Cybernetics for the Masses mp4 mp3 ogg
4006 DIY synthesizers and sound generators mp4 - -
4011 JTAG/Serial/FLASH/PCB Embedded Reverse Engineering Tools and Techniques mp4 - -
4017 Desktop on the Linux... (and BSD, of course) mp4 - -
4018 FrozenCache mp4 - -
4036 Reverse Engineering a real-world RFID payment system mp4 - -
4046 AllColoursAreBeautiful mp4 mp3 ogg
4055 Terrorists Win - Exploiting Telecommunications Data Retention? mp4 - -
4057 Adventures in Mapping Afghanistan Elections mp4 - -
4060 SMS-o-Death mp4 - -
4061 Building Custom Disassemblers mp4 mp3 ogg
4067 Data Analysis in Terabit Ethernet Traffic mp4 mp3 ogg
4070 Fnord-Jahresrückblick 2010 mp4 mp3 ogg
4073 Logikschaltungen ohne Elektronik mp4 mp3 ogg
4081 Netzmedienrecht, Lobbyismus und Korruption mp4 - -
4082 Rootkits and Trojans on Your SAP Landscape mp4 - -
4084 Ignorance and Peace Narratives in Cyberspace mp4 - -
4085 Digitale Spaltung per Gesetz mp4 mp3 ogg
4087 Console Hacking 2010 mp4 - -
4089 Ich sehe nicht, dass wir nicht zustimmen werden mp4 mp3 ogg
4090 The Baseband Apocalypse mp4 - -
4094 Netzneutralität und QoS - ein Widerspruch? mp4 mp3 ogg
4096 Code deobfuscation by optimization mp4 - -
4097 Techniken zur Identifizierung von Netzwerk-Protokollen mp4 - -
4098 Tor is Peace, Software Freedom is Slavery, Wikipedia is Truth mp4 mp3 ogg
4099 File -> Print -> Electronics mp4 - -
4103 Copyright Enforcement Vs. Freedoms mp4 mp3 ogg
4111 Eins, zwei, drei - alle sind dabei mp4 - -
4114 Analyzing a modern cryptographic RFID system mp4 mp3 ogg
4121 Is the SSLiverse a safe place? mp4 - -
4123 Defense is not dead mp4 - -
4124 Three jobs that journalists will do in 2050 mp4 mp3 ogg
4125 Spinning the electronic Wheel mp4 - -
4138 Secure communications below the hearing threshold mp4 - -
4140 Contemporary Profiling of Web Users mp4 mp3 ogg
4141 Hacker Jeopardy mp4 - -
4142 Node.js as a networking tool mp4 mp3 ogg
4143 Part-Time Scientists mp4 - -
4144 A short political history of acoustics mp4 - -
4145 "Spoilers, Reverse Green, DECEL!" or "What's it doing now?" mp4 mp3 ogg
4149 I Control Your Code mp4 - -
4151 Android geolocation using GSM network mp4 - -
4159 Reverse Engineering the MOS 6502 CPU mp4 - -
4160 Automatic Identification of Cryptographic Primitives in Software mp4 mp3 ogg
4164 Friede sei mit Euren Daten mp4 mp3 ogg
4168 A framework for automated architecture-independent gadget search mp4 mp3 ogg
4174 The Hidden Nemesis mp4 - -
4175 From robot to robot mp4 mp3 ogg
4176 Hacking iButtons mp4 mp3 ogg
4181 SIP home gateways under fire mp4 - -
4183 Safety on the Open Sea mp4 - -
4184 Stanislaw Lem - Der enttäuschte Weltverbesserer mp4 mp3 ogg
4185 Whistleblowing mp4 mp3 ogg
4187 Your Infrastructure Will Kill You mp4 - -
4190 Data Retention in the EU five years after the Directive mp4 mp3 ogg
4193 Having fun with RTP mp4 mp3 ogg
4195 Literarischer Abend mp4 - -
4201 "The Concert" mp4 mp3 ogg
4203 Distributed FPGA Number Crunching For The Masses mp4 - -
4206 IMMI, from concept to reality mp4 - -
4208 Wideband GSM Sniffing mp4 - -
4209 Zero-sized heap allocations vulnerability analysis mp4 mp3 ogg
4210 Lying To The Neighbours mp4 mp3 ogg
4211 Chip and PIN is Broken mp4 mp3 ogg
4221 OMG WTF PDF mp4 mp3 ogg
4230 Security Nightmares mp4 mp3 ogg
4231 Data Recovery Techniques mp4 mp3 ogg
4234 USB and libusb mp4 mp3 ogg
4236 International Cyber Jurisdiction mp4 mp3 ogg
4237 INDECT - an EU-Surveillance Project mp4 mp3 ogg
4239 Lightning Talks - Day 3 mp4 mp3 ogg
4244 A Critical Overview of 10 years of Privacy Enhancing Technologies mp4 mp3 ogg
4245 Adventures in analyzing Stuxnet mp4 mp3 ogg
4252 Von Zensursula über Censilia hin zum Kindernet mp4 mp3 ogg
4253 Pentanews Game Show mp4 mp3 ogg
4261 News Key Recovery Attacks on RC4/WEP mp4 mp3 ogg
4263 The importance of resisting Excessive Government Surveillance mp4 mp3 ogg
4265 hacking smart phones mp4 mp3 ogg
4276 Cognitive Psychology for Hackers mp4 mp3 ogg
4295 High-speed high-security cryptography: encrypting and authenticating the whole Internet mp4 mp3 ogg
4296 Lightning Talks - Day 2 mp4 mp3 ogg
4297 "Die gesamte Technik ist sicher" mp4 mp3 ogg
4298 CCC-Jahresrückblick 2010 mp4 mp3 ogg
4299 Abschlussveranstaltung mp4 mp3 ogg
4300 Lightning Talks - Day 4 mp4 mp3 ogg
4301 How the Internet sees you mp4 mp3 ogg
4302 27C3 Keynote mp4 mp3 ogg
4326 Radio der Zukunft mp4 mp3 ogg
4333 Hacker Jeopardy (english translation) mp4 mp3 ogg
4334 Fnord-Jahresrückblick 2010 (english translation) mp4 mp3 ogg
4338 Wikileaks und mehr mp4 mp3 ogg
4339 OpenLeaks mp4 mp3 ogg

Last update: --FeM.Tracker 21:44, 12 January 2011 (CET)


Please list any issues with the above videos here, so FeM can correct them.

#### Format Error description FeM says: Status
3952 mp3/ogg No such file or directory
4061 mp4 Starting at 00:59:35 video (and audio) keeps repeating for about 12 minutes. Audio/video jump at 4:48.
4143 mp4 Audio/video jumps at 6:32, 6:43, 29:56; audio glitches from 12:28-12:33, and at 12:51
4175 mp4 vlc and totem stop after 30:00 mins while the speaker says: "desaster" :)
4185 any No such file or directory
4252 mp4 On behalf of maix@freenode: Constant audio delay, approximately 5 seconds. More like 0.5 seconds Confirmed
4263 mp4 No such file or directory Probably a delay in mirror synchronization Error Disappeared
4276 final version Multiple slides not shown, including during crucial audience participation segments - e.g. 11m55s, 12m02s, 12m06s, 24m00s, 24m07s, 24m17s, 24m19s, 24m28s, 27m02s, etc etc yes, the live-mix is not optimal Fixed
4302 mp4 Some parts are missing, video & audio jumps. 0:24:04 - 0:24:16, 0:26:29 - 0:26:44, 0:34:40 - 0:34:50
4326 mp4 vlc silently refuses playing the file, totem reports: "Die Art des Datenstroms konnte nicht ermittelt werden.", mplayer too. Filesize is 610142656, md5sum: a5d2c159cae6d079845f1c99eff40ca7 27c3-4326-de-radio_der_zukunft.mp4
4333 mp4 Audio glitches at 34:51, 1:02:44, 1:50:37, 1:57:17, 2:05:33
4333 mp3 404 - Not Found
4333 ogg 404 - Not Found
4334 any No such file or directory The slug in Fahrplan changed after encoding the file, should be fixed with the next update of this page. Fixed soon
4339 mp4 No such file or directory Probably a delay in mirror synchronization Error Disappeared


Mirror rotation

If you want to add your server to our mirror rotation, please make sure the files can be located in /CCC/27C3 (however, they don't have to exist yet). Then, send us a message to Please include the following information in your request:

  • Contact information (IM contact, additional mail addresses, maybe phone number)
  • Host name or internet address (we need to allow your host for the rsync transfer)
  • How much bandwidth do you have/want to spend?

Thank you.


Some old recordings (file name not starting with "27c3-") were broken and cannot be played on iDevices and some other players strictly conforming to the standards. The new encodings (with the "27c3-" tag) shoud be fine. Mehdorn 14:06, 3 January 2011 (CET)

27c3-4141-de-hacker_jeopardy.mp4 has the new file name format but does not work with iTunes (VLC says audio is mp3 format). All the other 27c7-* files (currently 17) are fine.
--Floh 21:21, 3 January 2011 (CET)
Update: just re-encode the audio stream with ffmpeg and it works:
ffmpeg -i 27c3-4141-de-hacker_jeopardy.mp4 -vcodec copy 27c3-4141-de-hacker_jeopardy-iDevice.mp4 -acodec aac
--Floh 20:29, 6 January 2011 (CET)


I tried to play 27c3-4098-en-tor_is_peace_software_freedom_is_slavery.mp4 and 27c3-4187-en-your_infrastructure_will_kill_you.mp4 on android(2.1-1 on i5700) with several players including rockplayer(works in software mode, only audio for a few seconds/video veeery slow - perhaps not enough power? 800MHz CPU/128MB RAM). Google search says pre-installed video player should play h.264/mp4(?) error message: "video could not be played". (or originally in German: "Dieses Video kann leider nicht wiedergegeben werden".) anyone tried this? --Repat 11:38, 6 January 2011 (CET)

There will be smaller files released soon, especially for mobile devices. Maybe they work. Atze 17:11, 13 January 2011 (CET)
Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz