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Beer Hack



As you all know (since you're at 22C3) there is some company who sells food (sometimes eatable), drinks (club mate) and Beer. This company is called "Pro Gast". I don't know where the name comes from, but at the moment they threath you as a tourist: High prices, almost no choice and long queues.

The Problem

Beer will cost you 2 euro and 50 cents. That's actually way too much for some watter that's flavoured with beer and alcohol. Besides that 2 euro and 50 cents you have to give them another 50 cents because they want to be sure that the bottle gets back. (Or they just want to make money out of broken bottles.) I want cheaper beer.

Cheaper beer

You *can* go outside buy some beer at galeria kaufhauf. It's a bit far away and you still have to pay 89 cent for the bottle. Besides that they want 8 cents for the bottle.

The Hack

You go to galeria kaufhaus, buy a bottle beer, give them 97 cents. Take the empty bottle and bring it back to progast. They will give you 50 cents back. For everyone who can't calculate: You just paid 47 cents for the beer.


Of course there is some hacker ethic hotline and they ask you some questions:

What if I 0wn that beer?


What could happen?

They stop selling beer, wouldn't be a real big problem for us. Just a problem for them. What also could happen is that they stop asking 50 cents for a bottle you definitly forget and someone else will bring back. (I think there are some people making money at the congress here. They already took 8 euro from me).

Is there a moral problem?

No, not when you do it with 1 bottle. If you do this with 200 bottles OR just buy empty bottles for 8 cent it's a moral problem not telling them. But forgetting 1 time to tell them? Is that a moral problem?6

What should I do with this important piece of information?

Put it on the wiki.

Are you stealing

NO, you aren't. You are trading. And as long as I'm a cappitalist: trading isn't stealing.

Could I copy this hack?

Yes, you could. But you shouldn't since you're all hackers. Be creative and make your own hack. BUT REMEMBER: Just collecting some empty Bottels in the Hackcenter

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