From Camp 2011 Public Wiki
Brewing is an ancient art so let's behold the tradition and build up on it! This project is about learning the teachings of old and look at it through our eyes filled with scientific knowledge and understanding. Bringing today's technology in to the process will assure very tasty results with high levels of reproductivity and in the same time efficient time and energy investments. The goal is to bring the ancient art to today's world and enjoy doing what our fathers done and take it even further!
Excerpt from 091 Brew Masters wiki
Basic info
The goal of the probiotic section of food hacking base is to teach, share and spread the knowledge of why and how to produce high quality life beverages. You may still remember the ginger beer or elderflower cordial which your grandma did so well, or maybe mead, slivovice or cognac what your grandpa enjoyed so much (and locked it away from you :-))).
I want to put together a crew of enthusiast who would brew every day several different beverages during the whole camp. We will therefore do workshops on daily basis and we will share our products. The probiotic beverages will be also available at the buffet. There will be certainly cultures of kombucha, water kefir, kefir and yoghurt available to participants to experiment with and bring home if they wish.
Brewing alcoholic beverages should be fine, if there are people interested please post your project to the mailing list and we can create wiki. I'm sure lots of people would like to participate on for example beer brewing and wine making workshops.
For more info about this section write to the mailing list or get in touch with me directly algoldor.