Audio- and Videorecordings

Aus SIGINT 2009

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This page is kept in english to be accessible for our international guests and speakers.



Official recordings

While most of the lectures were held in german there is also some english material available. The encoded SIGINT Video and Audio Recordings can be directly retrieved from Please have a look at Pentabarf for the program description.

Most people might prefer streaming video via We recorded in 720×576 DV, Stereo. The encoding was done in H.264 with AAC in an MP4 container.

See also:


Mirroring official files

Thanks for asking! Just grab the files via FTP or other sources and add your mirror to the list above.

For further questions concerning mirroring feel free to contact the crew:



If you find critical errors in a released file which we must have missed in our quality check, please append them here. We will check this page regularly and note if the error will be fixed.

#### == Number of Lecture
Rejected = We could not affirm this Error
Fixed == We have fixed this Error in a new Version
Working == We are currently working to fix this problem
Ignored == We could affirm this Errors but they are minor so we will not release a new Version
#### Audio/Video Error description Answer Status
1234 Video this is an example error, at 1h11m30s just a test Rejected
3204 Both Recording is missing. Sorry we lost it! Ignored

Copyright license and credits

The official releases are made available under the Creative Commons NC-ND-3.0/de license ("Namensnennung-Keine kommerzielle Nutzung-Keine Bearbeitung 3.0 Deutschland"). See the credits at the end of each video.

See also

Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz