SIGINT09 - final8

22. - 24. Mai, Köln

Tag Pranks, Bugs, and Insecurities - 2009-05-23
Raum Vortragsraum (MP6)
Beginn 12:00
Dauer 01:00
ID 3205
Veranstaltungstyp Vortrag
Sprache der Veranstaltung englisch

Is (teaching) Hacking Ethical?

Hacking is usually considered as a criminal act, harming people, data and infrastructure. Hence, courses on hacking are perceived with mixed feelings by the general public. The opposite view on hacking is by those who create, build and administrate IT systems. In their world, hacking is the art of creating beautiful solutions and finding uncommon and effective ways to solve inherent problems.

In our talk we first explain what hacking actually is. Based on this we then discuss from several points of view, if hacking, and teaching offensive methods is ethical and come to the conclusion that the potential risks are well worth the advantages.

Finally we also propose a conjecture that offensive methods are likely the best method for working in the area of security for real computer systems.

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