

leave us alone

Art&Play_Halle H

watch the surveillance industry in an intimate moment robotic installation with moving surveillance cameras and interaction.

two robotic surveillance cameras enjoy an intimate moment, soft movements and touch, a kind of dance. but if one steps too close to the cameras and invades their personal space, they quickly jerk and move their gaze towards the intruder, they are now forced to do their work: surveillance.

the installation is built from re-purposed electro-trash: some mechanical parts and motors salavaged from two old moving heads. before they were rescued, the cameras were forced to watch ‘LKW Laderampe 1’ and ‘Eingangsbereich’ of a warehouse.

ivo herzig is an artist, engineer and from zurich. he likes robots, algorithms and is interested in exploring how people interact with algorithms in physical way. ivo has a background in software and mechatronic systems engineering and enjoys the mix of technical engineering challenges and creative expression in his work.
