
Day 3
Warum genau Du genau jetzt mit Amateurfunk anfangen solltest 2.0
Self-organized Session

Please note: It's a German talk, but internationals and questions in English are of course welcome!

Wau Holland was a radio amateur, there is the Chaoswelle (chaos wave) and there are always people in the chaos who have amateur radio as a hobby. Nevertheless, there may still be people who want to better understand the fascination of this 100-year-old hobby.

This talk is about presenting the diversity or the “hobbies within the hobby”. It will also shed light on how and with what people can get started even on a small budget, without a detached house with a huge antenna system and, above all, have a lot of fun.

In addition, an insight into amateur radio lingo and the surrounding area will be provided: What actually is a QSO and what are these call signs all about? What am I allowed to do without a license and why do I need a license at all? And which things that I learn in amateur radio will I encounter again in “real life”?

In contrast to the MRMCD, this time the lecture will be given by three radio amateurs who will bring in additional perspectives!

