
Day 1
Taskhacker - Day 1
Self-organized Session

Some of us are fans of the show “Taskmaster” and had the idea that it should be adaptable for the congress. So we did it!

Each day we have some tasks for you, which you can get at our Assembly (Fachschaft GAF, Halle H, G2) as a small card. Everything you need to do is written on the card. The only thing you need in preparation to participate is a Mastodon account, which is needed to hand in your solution. The tasks themselves won’t bind you to our assembly but are instead designed to be solved during the day around the 38C3.

As a prize of course, we have a golden head for you. To spice it up a notch, this is the same prestigious prize we only award to the best teaching professors of our university! And this is your chance to win one too!

We’re looking forward to play Taskhacker with you, feel free to come by.


Fachschaft GAF (Halle H, G2)