We build improvised robots. I'll bring some engines, batteries, small parts and microcontrollers. Esecially for working with the former it ist always cool to when experienced tinkers join to help out the beginners. You are encouraged to bring material, but please take it with you if it is not used. The nicest robots are made of upcylced garbage ;-)
more see PAD: https://pads.ccc.de/TmTN4Yn8Ga
PS: Experience shows, that we do not need all the space of the room, so please just ask if you need space for your own workshop. It would also be very cool if we could share the location with another event during daytime, so that children can tinker, too (all the daytime slots were taken, when i registered the workshop). I that case send an mail to neo[ät]shitty-robots.com.