
Day 3
Rust programming language: An absolute beginner workshop with intro presentation

We will hold a Rust workshop for beginners.

We will start with an introduction in the form of a lecture of about 45 minutes.

This will be followed by a period of about 90 minutes during which you are going to work through exercises independently and at your own pace.

We will help with any questions. We will be supported by the automated Rustlings course.

Other experienced Rust developers will be on hand to help participants directly with questions during the workshop.

You will need:

  • A laptop, prepared as described below, so we can get started right away


  • Follow the instructions at https://rustlings.cool/ for the installation of Rust itself, and Rustlings
  • Also note the instructions for the editor and terminal. The integration with rust-analyzer will make your Rust experience much more enjoyable!

The workshop rooms at the venue are not well prepared for work with many laptops: unfortunately, there will not be any power sockets at the tables!

  • Please bring your laptop fully charged
  • If you can, then bring a long cable and multi-sockets, so you can provide yourself and others with electricity

Leonie (@calisti@chaos.social) and Mo (@mo8it@fosstodon.org)