
Day 2
Algorix lädt ein: Lerne den Rubik's Cube zu lösen, teile dein Wissen mit Anderen oder fordere erfahrene Cuber:Innen heraus!

Hey everyone! Have you always wanted to crack the Rubik’s Cube or improve your skills? In this open workshop, you’ll learn the basic algorithms and tricks to solve the cube. Whether you’re a beginner or already have some experience, there’s something for everyone!

What to Expect

  • Basics: Learn the fundamental algorithms step by step.
  • Advanced Moves: Tips to solve the cube faster.

Who Can Join

  • Audience: Anyone aged 7 to 99
  • Experience: No prior knowledge required
  • Equipment: A few cubes will be available, but feel free to bring your own!


  • About 2 hours (open format – drop by whenever you like)
  • If needed, the workshop can continue in the Kidspace.

Special Features

  • Unlimited participants? Pretty much – the more helpers we have, the more participants we can support.
  • Open format: Drop by, learn with others, or help as a guide yourself.


I speak a little English, so feel free to come by even if you don't speak German!



Saal B