
Day 1
Personal check-in, emotional sharing [day 1]
Teilen wie es einem gerade mit dem Kongress geht, was war, was noch sein möchte. / Sharing how someone currently feels with the congress, what has been, what still wants to come. Bitte pünktlich bis 19:07 da sein, bitte nicht später dazu kommen! / Please be on time at 19:07, please do not join if you are late! Wenn Du uns nicht findest / in case you do not find us: Call dreieck (3134).

A check-in in a round to topics such as:

  • How do you currently feel with the congress?
  • What did move you so far?
  • What do you still want to experience?
  • What is not clear to you, where do you feel uncomfortable or unsure, …
  • What did you find awesome?

After a short check-in the format is a speaking round with a speaking stick that goes around (so that it is always clear who's turn it is, and that breaks can be distinguished from "I have finished"), where everyone is invited to actively pass on if nothing to be shared.
Several rounds are possible.

This can be a sensitive space; please do not give advise to others if not asked for, and please do not comment in the sense of "judge" on others if not asked for. However, reactions on what others said are possible if it is your turn and if it evoked something within you, gave you a thought, … -- speak about yourself.

All that is shared here is not to be shared outside the round in any way that could identify individuals. Except they consent explicitly.

(A similar session is on day 4 "Post-Congress Blues" at 15:00 at the House of Tea.)



At the House of Tea.