
Day 2
NGOs technisch effektiv unterstützen / Effective technical support for NGOs
de, en
Self-organized Session

In this SOS we try to get into conversation with NGOs and others interested in the topic. The result should be an overview of where you as an NGO need and want technical support.

Questions that come up are for example:

  • What challenges do you have and do you already have a solution for them?
  • Do you already use resources together with others?
  • How could you be supported so that you can concentrate better on your actual topics?

If you already have questions or something to contribute in the run-up to the Congress, please contact 38c3_sos_input@datenautobahnmeisterei.de


https://38c3.c3nav.de/l/c:0:121.81:113.18/ ( F3, Halle H, EG ) ( DECT: 6757 )