
Day 3
[New time!: 22:00] Literaturabend / literature evening (reading short texts of any kind to each other, for enjoyment).
Read some texts to each other for the enjoyment of the texts. / Texte gegenseitig vorlesen aus Freude an den Texten.

Time to read some short texts (or excerpts) towards each other. For the enjoyment of the texts!

It can be anything that you want to share in that spirit:

  • self made poem,
  • a funny furniture buildup instruction,
  • part of some prose, poem, story, … witten by others,
  • satirics,

Please no more than 5 minutes per contribution. Preferable less!

The format is like an "open stage" -- whoever has the impulse goes and reads.

Drop-in / drop-out possible.
