Day 2
LED&Schrumpffolie Workshop
*Was wird das:* Wir **gestalten und bemalen** Kunststoffelemente aus Schrumpffolie, die wir mit selbstgelöteten LED-Schaltungen in **leuchtende Dekorationen** wie Anhänger, Ohrringe und Aufsteller verwandeln.

What will it be: We design and paint plastic elements made of shrink film, which we transform into illuminating decorations such as pendants, earrings and displays using self-soldered LED circuits.
Who it's for: The workshop is aimed at beginners as well as advanced soldering and art enthusiasts.
How it works:
- first the foil is painted and cut as desired. Painting templates are available for this, but you are welcome to let off steam artistically.
- then shrink the foil element in the oven.
- now we solder and attach a suitable LED circuit.
Switch on, Tadaa! :-)
What does it cost? Nothing.
We are happy to receive a donation to cover the material costs. Suggested donation: 3 €