Day 3
Instant Ramen Powder Workshop Day 3
Places are limited! Please sign up at https://dud-poll.inf.tu-dresden.de/ramen_38c3_day3/
In this workshop, I am going to show you how to make stock and 'instant' ramen powders yourself and cook some "instant" ramen. I am putting instant in quotes because we're not making the pasta, we're using store-bought mie or ramen noodles that need to cook for just a few minutes.
You'll be making your own ramen powder with the ingredients of your choice. Culinary help is available! At the end, you're invited to make your own portion of ramen.
For more information please check our wiki at https://foodhackingbase.org/wiki/Instant_Ramen_Powder_Workshop_(38C3)
FoodHackingBase (Hall H)