
Day 3
Gedenken für ripley + Memorial for ripley
Self-organized Session

A few weeks ago, the hacker ripley fell victim to a capital crime. We will meet on day 3 at 9 p.m. under the c-base tower in Hall H, and then go together to another location to commemorate. Bring your memories and pictures.


We would be happy to receive pictures, anecdotes and memories: eva-kondolenz@mailbox.org

[last lines] Ripley: Final report of the commercial starship Nostromo, third officer reporting. The other members of the crew - Kane, Lambert, Parker, Brett, Ash, and Captain Dallas - are dead. Cargo and ship destroyed. I should reach the frontier in about six weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off. [to Jonesy the cat] Ripley: Come on, cat.


Treffpunkt unter dem c-base Turm, Halle H