
Day 3
Chaos Somatics Space/ c3somatics: Collecting interested persons, visions, drafting governance and rulesets.

In a few words

  1. People interested in establishing some space dedicated for somatic practises at chaos events can gather here to connect.
  2. This session is for drafting values, guidance texts, governance, rulesets ... for a somatics space at chaos events.
  3. If you are interested to connect but cannot join, you can write us, e.g. via dreieck (@dreieck@chaos.social, or Matrix: See the 38C3 Matrix channels for the contact) (we do not have a public group contact yet).

In the session we start with a check-in.

Background and more inforation

At 37C3, there was a session of Contact Improvisation jamming with a small introduction.

From discussions afterwards, there emerged the idea of a group "c3somatics" to make kind of a "Chaos Somatics Space" (CSS) at upcoming events.

The vision of such a space is to have a physical room, dedicated to somatic practises like yoga, Contact Improvisation, massage/bodywork, conscious dance, playfight, cuddle pile, authentic movement, shaking, … -- both for sessions (self organised and by us) and for individual usage of the space without a guided session.

Such a space would need some rules and stewardship to keep the spirit up, keep it in order, and also for safety.

And in this session we want to think about those questions and start to draft something,

also: Connect with further interested creatures.

Further somatic sessions:
